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"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Are you even listening?"

Merlin looked at you and tilted his head.
"Yeah, sure, I'm listening."

"You wanted me to teach you how to how to cook a whole chicken, so listen. What were you even thinking about? What do you even need that whole chicken for? I could sneak one from the palace kitchen for you?"

You sighed and stretched your arms after that immense zone out. Right now, you sat in Merlins and Gaius chambers, with a pencil and a piece of paper, taking notes from Merlins advices. Due to your zoning out, you had probably missed the last five steps.

"So many questions, my dear..." You sighed again and thought about how you should tell him.

"I just like cooking and I wanted to try something new. And your chicken always tastes amazing."
A grin appeared on Merlins face. From him, you couldn't hide anything.

"Why do I think there's more to it?" He asked you, taking a seat on the opposite side of the table. He looked at your notes, then shove the paper to the side.

"What's on your mind?"
You looked up to Merlin, blushing.
It took you some time to answer.
"it's not 'what', more 'who' is on my mind..."

Merlin gasped, then his expression went back to a grin. "And who is iiiit?"

Did you really want to tell him? Did you even want to tell anyone?
The warlock took one of your hands and smiled at you. "You know I'm good with secrets."

"i know, Merlin. It's just... I don't even know if he likes me as well or if he even cares for me..."

"I'm sure everything will work out and he will appreciate you. Let's just hope your crush isn't jealous, otherwise he'll have a real problem with you being such good friends with sir Leon."

Immediately your eyes widened, but you quickly tried to laugh it away.

"Why don't we leave this cooking lesson for tomorrow? Arthur and the knights will be done with training soon, let's pick them up."

Nodding, you got up and followed him to the training area.
Merlin you idiot, Leon is my crush.


The sound of swords clashing against each other and the ringing of metal chains filled the air. Both of you waited a few meters away from them, until Arthur called out for his servant, asking what he had been doing.

"I was teaching (Y/N) how to cook chicken."
"Ooh, chicken's great, my favorite! What's the occasion? You cooking for me?" Leon joked, placing one hand on either your and Merlins shoulder.

"No, she's having A date." said the wizard without any second thoughts.

In shock your mouth fell open and you quickly tried to interfere, but a familiar voice was faster.

"Date?" you heard Arthur's second in command, Leon, call out in an unsteady voice. The king called of the training at once. His fellow knights exchanged weird looks.
"That was a joke, Merlin! I am cooking for myself."

Soon, Merlin remembered that it was supposed to be kept secret to he just laughed awkwardly.

"Anyways, how was training?" Somehow, you had to change the topic. The first to answer was Percival. With a few skilled moves he sheathed his sword, claiming that Merlin would probably be pretty busy polishing Arthur's armor and sharpening his sword after today.

"I wish i had a manservant to take care of my stuff as well" Gwaine answered, Leon laughed.
When you heard his reaction, you turned around and told him that you'd take care of his armor and sword.

Sir Leon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now