Inner wounds

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TW: self isolation, depression, anxiety

Inner wounds

Today was a sunny day, the sun stood high above Camelot. To celebrate the upcoming knight's tourney, King Arthur had taken you, his wife, Merlin, his knights and you outside into the woods to hunt. The group had been especially successful on this day, so you've decided to end and return to the city. You adjusted your (f/c) velvet cloak once you got back into your saddle and made your way to the castle.

"What a great hunt! Guess we'll have a wonderful dinner tonight!" Elyon cheered, riding in a line next to his fellow knights.
You rode next to Gwaine, who had a big grin on his face. After so many years of friendship, you knew he was about to say something stupid just by seeing that look.
"Indeed wonderful. But you know what's a real wonder?"
The knights turned towards him, Arthur raised an eyebrow, also mentally preparing for the dumb stuff that would leave his lips any second now.

"What is it?" Merlin asked, curious.
"Leon not accidentally shooting (Y/N) from having his eyes so glued to her all day~"
As soon as he spoke, your eyes darted towards him, giving him a look that could kill. Not because he was lying. No, not at all.
He was, sadly, right.

You took a deep breath and gripped the bridle of your horse tighter.
The group fell extremely silent, nobody dared to say anything about that, not even Leon himself.

Gwaine winked at you with his grin still on his lips. "Ah come on, it was a wonder he could aim at his prey. After a-"

"I told you to a hundred times. Enough of this."
"(Y/N), you-"

Arthur decided to interfere before you would draw your sword and turn this lovely noon into a blood bath.
"Gwaine, one more word I think we'll have you for dinner. Would be a shame to loose one of my best knights."

You still glared at Gwaine, who just scoffed. He looked at you, pointed his head at Sir Leon, then at you, then formed a heart with his hands, his brows wiggling.

You've finally had enough of this. After another deep breath, you looked at Leon from the corner of your eyes, his eyes meeting yours for a second before he turned his gaze away. He felt pretty caught after Gwaine's words, and even though he wasn't trying to hide his feelings for you, he felt uncomfortable. Not just him, but the entire group.

"Your Majesty, please excuse me."
Arthur looked your way in confusion, so did the rest of the squad. The next thing they saw was you hitting your elbow up Gwaines face and urging your mare forward and galloping past them, back to the city by yourself.

The knights collectively glared at Gwaine, including Gwen, the king and his servant. He rubbed his face in pain, rolled his eyes and chased after you.


Once you arrived you quickly got of your horse, an annoying grunt leaving your lips as you heard your friend call after you once he had caught up to you.
"(Y/N) wait!"
At this point you didn't even look at him but only handed your horse to the guards and made your way up the stairs.
"Leave me alone!"
Anger, confusion and frustration built up in your core.
The man got off as well, holding onto your shoulder and blocking the way for you.

"I said leave me alone!"
One hard punch in his guts was enough to get him to stumble but he still tried his best to block you.

"Why don't you accept his feelings? I know you feel the same for him, stop denying it! I know you're still in pain from your last love, but you gotta move on, for gods sake! Give in to your feelings, it will help you to get out of your situation!"

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