JungkookxTaehyung pt 2

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Suga- Is tae okay now??Jk- Yes hyungHobi- when will he wake up??Jimin- Till morning Suga and hobi (nodded

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Suga- Is tae okay now??
Jk- Yes hyung
Hobi- when will he wake up??
Jimin- Till morning
Suga and hobi (nodded.)
Author pov-
Jk was sleeping beside tae sitting on the stool in the room while Jimin,Suga and hobi were outside of the room sleeping. Suga, Jimin,hobi decided to stay at taekook house that night to look after them. They love Taehyung and Jungkook as there younger brothers whom they can't see hurt but yesterday's incident with Taehyung scared them and now they are more protective over them.
-After sometime-
Everyone was awake except tae and jk was checking on him. Just then he noticed tae was moving his hands, he look at his face and saw tae was slowly opening his eyes and in some minutes tae was awake,
Jk- Hyung, are you okay?? How are you feeling??
Tae-(blinked his eyes softly telling he is fine)
Jimin- Are you sure?? If you are feeling any pain, you can tell us??
Tae- I am not feeling any pain hyung but really weak
Jimin- it's because you got shot on your shoulder and stomach and you lose too much blood that's why.
Tae-(slowly nodded)
-Just then there was a knock on the door-
Jk- come in
Suga and hobi entered the room and saw tae awake
Suga- Taehyungahh are you okay now dear
Tae-yes hyung, i am fine
Hobi- Glad to hear that you are fine now.
Tae-(smiled)(look at jk who was a bit quiet but Taehyung knew there was a volcano blasting inside him, he feels a bit scared cause of his gaze, look at Jimin and see him giving the same gaze, tae knew he has doomed now and a punishment is waiting for him)
Jk-Hyung i will go bring your medicines (saying that jk left the room)
-Suga and hobi left the room and thought to stay outside, only Jimin and tae were in the room, tae thought to ask Jimin:-
Tae- Hyung
Jimin- yes tae
Tae- are you and jk mad at me??
Jimin- i will say honestly, yes tae we both are mad at you and after you recover you are getting punished for being careless
Tae- But Hyung
Jimin- No buts (stern voice)
Tae stayed quiet knowing he can't say anything.
-After sometime jk entered the room with a metal tray, there was a bowl, some tablets and injections.
Jk came near and sit on the stool and started feeding tae porridge which he brought after feeding tae porridge, he give tae his medicines and pick up the injections-
Jk(signalled Jimin to hold Tae's hands)
Jimin-(nodded and held Tae's hands with his one hand tightly and covered Tae's eyes with another)
Tae- H-hyung, why are you holding my hands ??
Jimin- It's nothing okay, just stay calm and take deep breaths
Jk-(pulled Tae's sweatpants down till his knees and rubbed alcohol on his right thigh)
Tae-(Understood what's happening but didn't said anything)
Jk-(Take 1st injection and slowly injected in his right thigh)
Tae-(flinched hard)
Jk-(held Tae's knees together tightly and started pushing plunger)
Tae-Hyungggg, it's hurting pls stop, jk stop pls(crying)
Jimin- Just a little more bear it's almost done
Jk-And done(saying that jk took the needle out and quickly rubbed his left thigh and injected 2nd one)
Tae- Ahhhhhhhhh, stop it jk pls, it's hurting alot, i can't bear pls(crying hard)
Jk-almost done hyung andddd done(took the needle out),(Jimin)- Hyung pls turn Hyungie
Jimin-(nodded and turn tae on his left side and held him tight again)
Jk(pulled his sweatpants down from oneside and rubbed his right butt with alcohol)
Tae- No pls, No more hyung pls(crying hard)
Jimin-shhh, bear it's last one, then no more okay
Tae (nodded slowly)
Jimin-(smiled and signal jk to inject)
Jk-(rubbed alcohol again and this time injected)
Tae-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hyung, hyung, stop no pls stop ahhh pls
Jimin- shh shh almost done bear, just a little more pls
Tae- no pls stop, it's hurting alot, jk take it out pls AHHHHHHHHH
Jk- done hyung done almost done
Tae-(crying hard unstoppable)
Jk-(took the needle out and started rubbing the injected area) Hyungie it's done don't cry please
Tae-(still crying hard cause of the pain)
Jimin-(pick tae in koala style but careful with his injury and injected area and started walking back and forth while trying to calm tae down, tae stopped crying after sometime)
-Time skip after a month-
Author pov-
Tae has recovered with his injuries now and is totally fit and fine. Suga and Hobi call him in basement today so after getting ready he went in the basement, Tae was wearing a white shirt and black jeans.

He went in the basement and saw a person tied up on the chair while Suga,hobi, Jimin,and jk was sitting in the chairs infront of them, there was one chair empty in the middle, Taehyung went near and sat on the middle chair crossing his legs sittin...

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He went in the basement and saw a person tied up on the chair while Suga,hobi, Jimin,and jk was sitting in the chairs infront of them, there was one chair empty in the middle, Taehyung went near and sat on the middle chair crossing his legs sitting like a king(which he is actually), he look at the man and smirked after seeing him.
Jk- Like the surprise Hyungie, the person who hurt you is tied up on the chair himself today
(Yeah it was rocky)
Tae- Good surprise bunny
(A little information, jk is also a secret mafia king but no one knows it and jk barely enter the mafia world, he mostly helps tae with his work and also if someone hurt his hyungs then he will kill them secretly without anyone knowing)
Tae- Torture him(smirk)
Rocky- no tae pls i am sorry, i won't mess with you again
Tae-(chuckled darkly) oh yeah you won't,cause you won't be alive to do that anymore
Rocky-No tae plahhhhhhhh
(Guards started torturing him, after torturing him for awhile he can barely open his eyes, tae took his gun and shoot him directly in the head making him die directly at the spot, they all exited the basement just then Jimin spoke)
Jimin- tae i wanna talk with you, wait for me in your bedroom
Tae- okay hyung(tae left)
Suga- don't be too harsh on him
Jimin-nodded (look at jk), you wanna say something
Jk-Hyungie don't punish Taehyung Hyungie too much i can't see him in pain, Pls be gentle with him
Jimin-okay i will
(Jimin- left to Tae's room)

Jk- Like the surprise Hyungie, the person who hurt you is tied up on the chair himself today (Yeah it was rocky)Tae- Good surprise bunny(A little information, jk is also a secret mafia king but no one knows it and jk barely enter the mafia world, ...

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Jimin came in room and saw tae sitting on the bed, his face was showing nervousness"maybe he remembered about his punishment"- Jimin thought. He called tae
Tae-yes hyung
Jimin-you know why I called you here
Tae-(nodded)For punishment
Jimin-correct, now comeon let's get it over quickly okay
Tae-(gulped) okay hyung
Jimin- came and sit on the bed while taping his lap motioning tae to come over his lap which tae did hesitantly, he still didn't notice the hairbrush in jimin's hand. Jimin- pulled his sweatpants and boxers down and put a arm around his waist so he didn't move and picked the hairbrush but tae saw it this time
Tae-Hyung hairbrush, not pls it hurts alot
Jimin- it's punishment tae and it is meant to hurt, don't worry i won't give you more than you can handle okay bear
Tae-look at Jimin but slowly nodded
Jimin-(smiled at his younger one, pick the hairbrush again), "I am starting"he warned
He started spanking tae with the hairbrush,
Jimin- only ten more bear you are doing good, be strong for hyung hmm
jimin- shh, it's done bear. You did a great job. Hyungie is proud of you my baby.
Jimin- comforted tae for sometime and lay him down on the bed and laid beside him on the bed and slept with him
The End-
Thank you
Love you all

Author pov-
Guys did you like this part, if yes then do tell in the comment section, will post next part really soon of another oneshots, till then stay tuned.
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