Mafia Dongsaeng

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(Tae was crying hard because of the injections and jk was roaming in the room while rubbing his injection spots gently as he know those shots were heavy doses and it hurts alot, his heart was breaking seeing his baby brother in this much pain, he ...

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(Tae was crying hard because of the injections and jk was roaming in the room while rubbing his injection spots gently as he know those shots were heavy doses and it hurts alot, his heart was breaking seeing his baby brother in this much pain, he was continuously patting his head and back trying to calm him down, and after sometime tae calmed down and was just sniffing cutely so jk made tae sit on the bed and at that time someone knock on the door)
Jk-come in
(Door opened revealing a maid who was having a bowl of porridge in her hands, she came near them and handed to jk bowed to them and left immediately)
Jk-Baby, open your mouth and eat this
Tae- No Hyungie, it's tasteless, i don't wanna eat it
Jk- Baby it's important for you pls eat it (put the spoon near his mouth)
Tae- I SAID I DON'T FU***** WANNA EAT IT (pushed the spoon away making the spoon of porridge fell on the ground)
(Jk was hella angry on Taehyung now, first he disobeyed him and played in the rain, planning to hide his injury, cursing and now throwing tantrums for food and wasting it)
Jk-Kim Taehyung don't test my patience and eat it quietly (stern and cold voice)(really mad)
Tae-(gulped in fear knowing he fucked up now and started eating the porridge quietly cause he know he's gonna get punished by jk now as jk just called him by his full name and jk does it only when he is super mad at him)
(Tae ate all the porridge quietly not throwing tantrums again which made jk happy but he has made his mind of punishing tae cause tae has did a lot of mistakes today and disobeyed him too)

(After eating porridge Taehyung slept because he is tired of crying and also the injections effect)

(Injections had worked really fast and Taehyung has recovered just in a week and tae was also happy thinking jk forget about his punishment but oh boy he was wrong, jk remembered his punishment and was waiting for tae to recover to punish him cause he can't punish tae while he was sick and neither can he let Tae's this mistake slip this time cause if he let it go now then tae will repeat this mistake again and again which he don't want so he has already thought Tae's punishment)

-After a week-
Tae has recovered fully now and both tae and jk were having there breakfast and jk thought to punish tae after eating breakfast

After the breakfast, jk called tae in his room, tae was a bit nervous why jk called him in his room but nonetheless he still went on the room to meet jk who was sitting on the bed while holding a thin but long came in his hands and tae get it now that jk called him to punish him now, just thinking about the pain from hits Tae's eyes become teary but he wiped those and went near jk

After the breakfast, jk called tae in his room, tae was a bit nervous why jk called him in his room but nonetheless he still went on the room to meet jk who was sitting on the bed while holding a thin but long came in his hands and tae get it now ...

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As jk saw tae coming near him he looked up directly in his eyes but tae looked down,
Jk- Look up Taehyung (stern and deep voice)
Taehyung slowly look up and meet his hyungs eyes who was looking at him directly with stern eyes and face, tae got more scared seeing jk's stern look, he know he's gone today, jk spoke breaking Tae's thoughts.
Jk-you know why I called you here right!!
Tae-y-yes h-hyu-ng (stuttering)
Jk- hmm(look at tae) How many mistakes you did Taehyung
Tae-4 H-hyung
Jk-hm so you will get 40 spanks bare, are we clear
Tae-(started crying listening to jk) Hyung not bare pls it will hurt
Jk- Punishments are meant to hurt Taehyung and lay down on the bed now
Tae-Hyung pls no
Jk-Didn't you hear me tae, i said lay down on the bed, NOW (shouted at last)
Tae-(flinched and layed down on the bed immediately tears still flowing from his eyes)
Jk(stand beside tae on the bed and pulled his pants and boxers down and rubb his butt slightly with the cane giving shivers to tae) No reaching back, No rubbing in between or these will lead to increase of spanking, are we clear
Tae-yes hyung (tears again started flowing from his eyes)

Jk started spanking Taehyung with the cane
Ahhhhhhhhh hyung it hurts - tae said (crying after First three hits only)
Spanking is meant to hurt Taehyung -jk said and tightened his hear and again started spanking tae-
AHHHHHH HYUNG -tae (crying hard)
Jk continued tightening his heart again just want to finish it already

Jk make tae stand and pulled his pants and boxers up he felt sad seeing red lines on his baby's back and him crying because of him but he know tae did wrong so deserve it, tae hissed in pain when rough cloth hit his bruised butt, he was about to rub it but jk held his hand
Jk we are not over yet Bun
Tae-hyung hurts alot
Jk- I know baby but you are doing great just 20 more hm
Tae- hmm
Jk started rolling Tae's pants till his knees so his calves were visible, tae look at jk after understanding jk is going to spank him on his calves but he didn't say anything,after rolling Tae's pant jk stood up and caress tae's calves a bit, at that time tae spoke
Tae-Hyungie can i lay on the bed while getting spanked on my calves
Jk-yes you can
Tae- Thank you Hyungie (layed on the bed on his stomach )
Jk stand beside him on the bed and again started spanking him
Hyungie hurts alot -tae said while crying hard
"Just a little more baby, you are doing good"
Tae throwed his hand back not able to bear the pain anymore but regretted immediately when jk said "Two increased""Hyungie no"
"I warned you before Taehyung but you didn't listen"(jk again started spanking him) count now bub
ahhh o-one
Ahhh t-wo
Ahhhh th-ree
Ahhh f-four
Ahhh fi-ve
"Good job baby, you are doing good just two more and we are over bub"
these two were the hardest among all making tae scream and he cried hard in pain
Jk- It's done baby, me brave boy it's over now (pick tae up and made him sit in his lap without hurting his butt more while tae controlled himself to not cry more and calmed down in some minutes listening to jk singing)
~Nothing like us~
Tae calmed down listening to the song, jk make lay down the bed on his stomach, opened the drawer near the bed, take a ointment out and applied it on Tae's butt and calves massaging it after, slowly pain started to fade making tae relax, after applying ointment jk also layed down beside tae who was sleeping peacefully now while hugging him, jk hugged him back while pulling him close to his chest and slept and they both lived happily after while tae being naughty as always and troubling jk but at the end they were happy and lived peacefully.

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