My little dongsaeng part 3

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Okay kookoo take check up but no ouchie hyungie kookoo spoke pouting cutely

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Okay kookoo take check up but no ouchie hyungie kookoo spoke pouting cutely

Tae chuckled and nodded his head okay I won't give kookoo any ouchie until it's completed necessary alright Tae spoke while picking his medical bag and sitting near kookoo and pulled him on his lap

Tae took out the thermometer and out it inside kookoo mouth who was sitting in his lap like a good boy

Tae took out the thermometer after 2 minutes and saw the temperature and sighed but looked at kookoo who suddenly started sneezing, tae sighed seeing it

Tae completed the check up fully for kookoo and sighed and started preparing a small injection for kookoo which he need for his fever

But kookoo saw it and tried going away from tae but tae held him tightly and rolled his sleeves up but kookoo started to cry as he was scared

Shh shh my baby bun, hyungie promise it won't hurt at all tae spoke softly as he pecked kookoo forehead

Kookoo hugged tae tightly, tae also hugged him back while holding his arm at a place and rubbed alcohol pad and slowly inserted the needle

After 2 minutes he took the needle out and started rubbing the place with an cooton ball and bandaged that area and pulled the sleeves down still hugging kookoo

Kookoo open your eyes bub?! Tae spoke looking at kookoo whose eyes were still closed

Kookoo slowly opened his eyes and looked at tae then his arm then again at tae and saw him smiling at him

Didn't hurt right kookoo?! Tae spoke and kookoo nodded his head and smiled at tae making him smile too

To be continued

Target for next episode:- 20 votes and 5 comments

Next episode will be posted soon, I know it's short but you guys already knew the reason, my stupid fever doesn't go

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