Heart of the family pt 2

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Suga- i will go and check on tae
Everyone- nodded
-Suga went to washroom in the room and knock on the door
Suga- Tae baby are you okay Bubba
No Respond
Suga-Baby if you are inside pls reply
No respond
-Everyone was getting worried why tae is not opening the door, Suga turn the door knob and see it opened so he went inside just to get shocked by the scene-

Suga-TAEHYUNG (went near unconscious tae)-Everyone came inside except jk and Jimin, as jk was weak he can't come inside while Jimin was hugging him so he doesn't feel alone but he was worried about his baby brother tae as what happened to him, Jim...

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Suga-TAEHYUNG (went near unconscious tae)
-Everyone came inside except jk and Jimin, as jk was weak he can't come inside while Jimin was hugging him so he doesn't feel alone but he was worried about his baby brother tae as what happened to him, Jimin came out of his thoughts when jk call him-
Jimin-yes baby
Jk- is tae Hyungie okay,why did Hyungie shout tae Hyungie name
Jimin- don't know Bubba, hyungs will come out and we will ask him okay don't worry tae will be fine
-MEANWHILE in the bathroom-

Suga was holding a unconscious tae in his arms while crying, others were also crying looking at there baby unconscious like that, doctor came there and his eyes directly went to Tae's wrist from where blood was coming, he look at bathroom sink and...

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Suga was holding a unconscious tae in his arms while crying, others were also crying looking at there baby unconscious like that, doctor came there and his eyes directly went to Tae's wrist from where blood was coming, he look at bathroom sink and see a blade there with blood on it, he guessed what tae would have done so he spoke
Doctor- i think he cuts his wrist
BTS-(except jk and Jimin)- WHAT!!
Doctor-yes,you heard right, see his wrists have a cut and here is a blade(pick the blade from sink) with blood on it and this all tells the same that he cuts his wrists
Hobi-why will tae do that
Doctor-usually people suffering with depression and anxiety do this
Hyung line-(shocked)
Jin- we will talk about this later, doctor pls treat him, save our brother pls
Doctor-yes Mr Kim, pls bring him out, i will treat him right now
Hyung line(nodded)(Suga pick tae in his arms and walk out followed by everyone)

Suga was holding a unconscious tae in his arms while crying, others were also crying looking at there baby unconscious like that, doctor came there and his eyes directly went to Tae's wrist from where blood was coming, he look at bathroom sink and...

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As soon as suga came in room holding tae in his arms, Jimin and jk got shocked seeing tae unconscious but before they say something, doctor called some ward boys and asked them to arrange another bed in jk's room and in minutes the second bed was there, Suga laid tae on the bed and doctor started treating him immediately

-Doctor was still treating tae but tae started opening his eyes in between, in some minutes he opened his eyes fully but hissed in pain when doctor cleaned his arm with alcohol Tae-ahhDoctor-it's almost done, pls bear it a little more(continued tr...

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-Doctor was still treating tae but tae started opening his eyes in between, in some minutes he opened his eyes fully but hissed in pain when doctor cleaned his arm with alcohol
Doctor-it's almost done, pls bear it a little more(continued treating his wrists)
Tae(hissing continuously)
After cleaning the wound, doctor bandage it, the doctor asked the nurse to bring one tetanus booster shot and a IV for tae
Nurse-doctor IV and the tetanus shot is ready(pass the metal tray)
Doctor-thank you, you can leave now
Nurse- yes doctor(bowed and left)
Doctor-can you pls turn him(Jin)
Jin-(nodded)(went near tae and made him lay on his stomach slowly)
Tae-(held jin's hand in his own and close his eyes tightly)
Jin-(smiled and started caressing Tae's hair)
Doctor-(went near tae and pulled his pants down from one side and rubbed alcohol and gently inserted the needle)
Jin-almost done hm
Doctor-(pushed the plunger)
Tae-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH stop him hyung ahhh can't bear pls
Jin-Almost done baby, just a little more him, my strong boy
Tae-ahhhh, no more pls ahhh
Jin-shhh, it's done baby it's done
Doctor-(took the needle out and put a bandage on the injected place and pulled Tae's pant up)
Jin-(made tae lay on his lap and started patting his back, caressing his hairs- trying to calm him) shh baby it's done don't cry my baby
Tae-it hurted alot(crying a little)
Jin-it's done now hm, don't cry baby
Doctor-can you show me his hand
Jin(nodded and held Tae's hand and gave it to doctor)
Doctor-(inserted the IV very gently)
Doctor-it's done(To Jin)- I have to ask him some questions to see if he has depression or not
-Doctor started asking tae some questions and some questions related to his behaviour to his hyungs, after sometime he confirmed that tae was having depression-
-After some days of staying in hospital, jk and tae both has recovered, tae is not having depression anymore and all of them are living happily now-
The End-

So guys i was thinking to make a mini series of BTS, should i make it or not, if i make it should i add a female lead in it or not, you guys tell me and can you suggest on which topic should i make this mini series and i will make the other requests as soon as possible so stay tuned,and yeah i wanted to say sorry for not posting series yesterday but i have to go on a function yesterday so i can't, i am sorry.
Love you all

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