Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

    Jiang Qian woke up naturally.

    The late summer sunlight slipped into the house through the unclosed gap of the curtains, and the slender light and shadow cast a long trace on the wooden floor. The originally dim bedroom gradually became brighter with the light. After an extremely tired night, Jiang Qian rarely woke up earlier than the alarm clock.

    The woman in the bed slowly opened her sleepy eyes, her head was dizzy, and she felt like she couldn't sleep well all night.

    She stiffened and twisted her neck to the left with difficulty, and found that Shi Yizhou seemed to be still in the sleeping position. On the other hand, the man's beautiful ears and arms were lying on his waist, pressing her entire upper body tightly.

    Jiang Qian tried to raise her arm, and the indescribable numbness caused her mouth to become a seam.

    The slightly hazy memory when he just woke up flashed back in an instant, and even his senses became clearer.

    The culprit lying next to her is simply a self-propelled stove in the shape of a human figure, which takes up space and is clingy. She is almost completely running away all night, being brought back, running away, and being brought back again and again.

    ——The problem is that this guy, Shi Yizhou, doesn't look like the type to hold something when he sleeps.

    Jiang Qian didn't understand, Jiang Qian only felt pain all over her body.

    She raised her eyelids and glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was 6:30 in the morning, more than three hours before going to work.

    The migrant workers who reacted seemed to have been drained of energy, and the whole person became stunned.

    Jiang · this Saturday · but he signed a contract and has a role to play, and he has no rest. He hates work but loves wages. He sighed lightly and used all his perseverance to pull his upper body away from the comfortable bed.

    As she slowly removed the hand that was on her waist, she carefully observed Shi Yizhou - the man seemed to be still asleep, but the overly light arm revealed that he woke up earlier than herself. fact.

    The exhausted Jiang Qian didn't expect to tease him, so she asked casually, "Are you awake?"

    But it didn't matter if he didn't hear a response, Shi Yizhou's arm that was being held by him suddenly became heavier, making Jiang Qian, who didn't exert much effort, let go, and watched his arm drop to the soft side. on the quilt.


    You can't play during the day even if you pretend to be asleep.

    Jiang Qian's expression became a little intriguing, and she felt that she couldn't use her head full of yellow waste to speculate on the thoughts of innocent elementary school students.

    She deliberately put her fist in front of her mouth and silently cleared her throat, waited until her reddish cheeks faded and buttoned up the collar of her pajamas before she deliberately put her face in front of Shi Yizhou's face.

    Jiang Qian's movements were slow and deliberate, just wanting to make some noise.

    It wasn't until she got closer and closer that even her hair fell to the man's ear, the man's eyelashes finally trembled slightly unnaturally.

    It's too obvious, Shi-Da-Ke-Ai-

    Jiang Qian's smile can't be held back. She leaned closer, lowered her voice and asked word by word, "Are you awake?"

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