Chapter 3- The Awakening

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My hospital bed is in the middle of a dark room. I open my eyes and look around. The last thing I remember was passing out after telling Hope that I wanted to be awakened. My head pounds as I try to remember what happened. The old lady was asking me whether I wanted to die or possibly become an angel. I said angel. Then it got dark. I was passing out WAY too often these days. Suddenly bright white light turn on above me, temporarily blinding me. "Ah good. You're awake." I recognize the voice as the doctor's. "Hope, come in." He says. Hope slowly walks in and stands by the doctor. The doctor looks down at the metal table next to my bed and rummages around. He pulls out a needle and asks hope to lift up her sleeve. I turn my head to the side and watch as the doctor gently extracts the blood from Hope's arm and encases it within the syringe. Except for the fact that it doesn't look like blood. It looks like gold.

The golden liquid swirls around in the syringe and he places it on the table. The doctor fumbles around on the table then looks at me. "Angela, in order for you to survive the awakening you need strength. Pay attention because I am going to explain step by step how this is going to work. First, I am going to inject you with Hope's blood which will give you temporary strength. Then you will go through the process. No one really knows what happens because almost all angels are born angelic. You, on the other hand, are one in a million. We have only gone through this experiment seven times and actually," the doctor looks away sheepishly. "No one has ever lived to tell the tale. After you are awakened you will fall into a coma due to the amount of energy you expended. This is the part where we lose the most people. It's up to you to wake up. This is your last chance to back out. He picks up a syringe with clear liquid in it.

"It'll be over in less than a second." He promises me with a whisper. The thought of dying during the awakening scares me, but I can't give up. I have to go through with it. I open my mouth and croak out "No." The doctor puts the syringe down. "The effects of the pure angel blood with your half angel blood should simulate your blood cells into transforming. Are you ready?" I nod my head weakly and he plunges the syringe into my vein.

At first nothing happened. All I felt was the pain of the needle piercing into my skin. After a minute I felt pure adrenaline coursing through my body. My muscles stopped aching and my throat wasn't scratchy. I felt as though I had died and come back to life again. I sat up with unimaginable speed and stood up. I could feel power just coursing through my veins. The bed shook slightly under my feet. The doctor and Hope stared at me with awe. All of a sudden, I couldn't feel the bed under my feet.

I just felt so... Alive. I could feel my vision heightening, my sense of smell getting stronger, my touch becoming more sensitive. I heard things with an acuity I had never experienced before. The world was in a new light for me. That was, until the pain came. Something nearly exploded out of my back. I yelled out in pain. I could smell the blood seeping out of the two large holes in my back. White feathers peeked out of my skin. The pain was too much. I felt a tug at my heart. I knew I was losing too much blood. I collapsed on the bed, on my back. That wasn't very smart. With the last of my strength I flipped over on to my stomach and laid there silently.

I could feel my power slowly seep out along with the blood. Footsteps pierced my ears. The doctor swiped his hand at the ground where some of my blood had splattered, staining the white tile. Then he gently touched my back where a small trickle of blood was seeping. He brought them up near my face where I could see. "The transition is done." He showed my his hands. One was stained with red blood and the other with gold. "Stay strong Angela." Those were the last words I heard before I fell into a coma.

Sorry this one is so short! Stay strong and await the next chapter! Thanks for reading! Comment, vote, and follow me!!!! ~Izzy/Stele

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