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The ringing sound of phone annoying the man laying in the bed with heavy head, the result of great night. He don't want to pick up the phone. The ringing stopped but soon its ring again.
The man groaned in anger before taking the phone. He mumbled some curses under his breath.

'hello?' the man annoyingly answered the phone.

'Taehyung its fucking 1 pm where are you idiot? Don't make me come there and smack your ass' Jackson shouted.

'Jackz let me sleep in peace. Why are you shouting? Is there anything I promise today?' Taehyung asked in half sleep voice.

'yaa you fucking idiot, how can you forgot? The fucking plane is waiting for you. Its can't fly when your ass is not here.' Jackson now lost his temper.

'Shoot...  Okay wait for me . I will be there in 1 hour.' Taehyung jumped out of bed and put a hoodie over his tee and take the bag prepared two days ago thanks to Jackson he know that his lazy ass is not gonna do it anyways, and grab his phone and car key and run towards the garage.

Kim Taehyung the younger son of Kim Seo Hun and Kim Jae Hee. A total player and an egoistic brat, only act as a good boy in front of his hyung Kim Namjoon and his mom  .
He is now in USA and ready to fly back to Korea because he finished his masters.
Jackson his best friend now waiting in the private jet of Kim's for Taehyung..

Tae reached the jet ,take his seat and informed the flight attendant that he is ready.

Is hyung called you? Tae asked Jackson.

Nope. Jackson replied munching on his food.

Good.  Tae replied with an evil smirk gone unnoticed by Jackson.

Namjoon is waiting for his brother for one hour. He is now restless and he don't know why the flight is delayed. After few minutes of waiting the flight landed.

Hyungieeeee~ Tae called when he sees his favorite person. Jackson rolled his eyes seeing his friend's cute face.

Hey bear why the flight delayed. Namjoon asked hugging his little brother.

Ohh hyung we had a party yesterday and he is totally wasted so it take one hour to wake him up. Tae said pointing his friend.
Namjoon looked at Jackson.

Jackson you are a bad influence on my bear. Do you know how much I worried,why are you so irresponsible? Namjoon scolded Jackson and Tae is now enjoying the drama created by him. Jackson glared at Tae but he know that his friend will act innocent in front of his hyung so he accepted his fate.

Sorry Joonie... I love you.. Then Jackson ran towards the car giving a kiss on Namjoon's cheek.

They reached their mansion and Tae ran to his mother and hugged her. He searched everywhere for his father but didn't see him. He sighed disappointed. He knows that his father doesn't like him from the start and his mother give all the love to him but he always crave for an acceptance from his father, he do as much as he can to please his father's liking to accept him even as a member in the family.
He excused himself  and went to his room to take rest.


In Jeon's mansion.

Yunji is preparing breakfast. A maid helping her.

Eommaa good morning...  Where is hyung?  I didn't see him in his room. Jungkook asked taking a strawberry from the fridge.

He is in the living room.And why my baby up so early?

I have an interview today, for an electronics company. Its a temporary post and it satisfies my needs so I am giving it a chance. Jungkook said while eating the strawberry.

Ohh.. Yunji said with a sad face.

Don't be sad eomma I will pursue my dream but I need money for that. Its the reason I want a job. This job will pay me well if I got that. Jungkook assured her.

But son you have enough money that your Appa deposited in your account and also me and your hyung have money . You don't need to work to save. You can pursue your dream now. Yunji said with a disappointment.

I know eomma but I want to start my dream with my own money. It doesn't mean I didn't take Appa's or yours money I respect the money which Appa save for us. He said.

Jeon Jungkook the younger son of Jeon Harun and Jeon Yunji. Lost his father when he was a teenager, heir of Jeon Corp.  one of the famous company in Korea. Hella rich but knows how to be kind and caring towards others. Jeon Yoongi is his elder brother who is also a rapper and producer and founder of Agustd production. Jungkook is a lovely guy loved by everyone, his dream is to become a well known Artist and to make his own name in the world without any tag of his family. He is a hard worker.

Yunji knows his son and she is proud of him. But she don't like the idea of her son working for another company as a mere worker when they own a respected business in the country. And not only that but she know about her son's likes that he wanted to became an artist known by the world and she knows his potential. When Yunji found out that her eldest son likes music she accepted and thought that the youngest one will take care of the company but one day she found out that he likes Art more than anything she is happy for him. After their Appa's death Yunji is the one who take care of their company.
Jungkook don't like the idea of working in their company because everyone in the company knows the boy so he don't want them to be awkward working with him. That's why he is applying for jobs in another companies.



: just wanted to introduce them. ♡

:hope you liked the chapter.♡

:ignore the mistakes. Thank you.♡


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