17. Benny's

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"Six lobster rolls and six waters please," Asher told the boy working the counter in the sandwich shop.

"Your total will be $86.53," the teenage boy said after ringing the items into the computer.

Asher pulled a $100 bill out of his wallet and handed it to the boy, "Keep the rest."

Asher insisted on buying everyone lunch since he wanted to repay his stay at the house.

We all sat at a round table near the entrance and made small talk while we waited for our food.

"I have deb tomorrow," Shayla said to Steven.

"I'll be working with Jer and Belly tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll see you," he replied.

"Where do you work?" Asher asked Steven.

"I serve food at the club pool. Jer is a lifeguard, and Belly waits tables inside," he said.

"Do you work at the club too?" I asked Conrad.

"I used to lifeguard. Not this year, though. Turns out, if you know how to sail, people will pay you whatever you want to give them lessons. I only do it a few days a week," Conrad explained.

"I guess we'll have to find something to occupy our days with," I joked with Asher.

"Aren't you guys, like, rich? Just join the club and then you can see us all the time," Jeremiah flashed a smile, showing off his pretty, white teeth.

"I'm pretty sure that's not how country clubs work. You usually have to be invited, wait to get accepted, and then, like, sign your life away on the dotted line. All that for us to spend a few weeks there really isn't worth it," I explained.

"Only rich people know all that," Jeremiah rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Or, I can just text my dad and have your names put on the guest list. Easy as that," Shayla picked up her phone and started typing.

"What a woman," Steven cooed.

"There, Y/N and Asher are added. Oh, and Conrad, since he doesn't have an employee pass anymore," she smiled.

Steven was right, she's amazing.

"I owe you a shopping trip," I said to show my thanks to Shayla.

"I'll gladly accept that," she teased.

The bell at the counter dinged, and the boy called Asher's name. He got up from the table to grab the tray carrying our lunches.


I tried to avoid walking with Jeremiah on the way back. I didn't want to have another encounter like we did on the way here.

Luckily, I was able to convince him that his girlfriend wasn't totally still in love with his older brother.

"You don't think there's any feelings there?"

"I don't think so, Jer. Why would she stay with you if she knew she loved Conrad. It just wouldn't make sense."

That was the question I kept asking myself. Why was Belly still with Jeremiah? It was clear to see that she still had some sort of feelings for Conrad. I may have convinced Jeremiah, but I knew my words were lies. I hated lying, but for the sake of someone's feelings, I had to do it.

I was lost in thought about Jeremiah and Belly when Conrad turned away from the group to wait for me. He reached out his hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Everything okay?" Conrad pressed the back of my hand against his lips.

"Yeah, just a little tired," I said.

Coast to Coast {Conrad Fisher x Female Reader}Where stories live. Discover now