Chapter 1

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What Eira looks like in this chapter.

Your pov

I was woken up by the sound of a door opening. "Princess it's time to wake up" A kind voice ecoed throughout the room. As I open my eyes I was met with a pair of turquoise ones. "Good morning princess, I hope you slept wonderful and dreamed beautifully." She said in an endearing voice, one that you could listen too, day in and day out.
The woman walked away from the bed, towards the big a$$ window sliding the curtains to the side. Letting some sunlight into my room.
"Princess? Is there something troubling that pretty head of yours." The maid asked me as she turned around. I snapped out of my trans. "No, lady Lilian nothing is troubling me. And good morning too you as well." I tell her with the softest voice I can manage.
"Well, that's good princess. Oh, I almost forgot, your father wishes to have breakfast with you and princess Athanasia." Lilian informs me with a smile on her face.
*She's probably happy that Claude wishes to see me for breakfast.* I think too myself.
"Well, we should not keep him waiting. Would you be kind and help me get ready Lily?" I asked sweetly as I get up from the bed.
"Of course, princess." She answar whilst curtseying.

Time skip

"Good moring father and sister, it's lovely to see the both of you this fine morning." I greet them both, Athanasias face lighting up with happiness.
"Big sister!!!" Athanasia screams and runs right into my arms too embrace me in a big hug. "I've missed you so so much, how are you feeling today?" She asks me, curiousity, and happiness evident in her voice.
"I've missed you too Athy, and I'm feeling wonderful. What about you, how are you feeling today sister?" I answer and ask her.
"I'm feeling amazing and I am also happy that papa invited you to have breakfast with us." She tells me, I look at Claude and give him a big smile.
"Thank you for inviting me to breakfast father, and you're looking handsome as always." I compliment him, he just hums in agreement(?). After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence me and Athy sits down. Then Claude finally speaks up.

"You look gorgeous today Eira and it's good to both talk with and see you. Since you are always locked up in your study." He makes eye contact with me as he finishes speaking.

"Thank you for your comliment father. But you see I just have alot of work that I need to do, if someone would understand that, it should be you father, right?!" I say while trying to keep my cool, staring at him intently.
"Fine, but you can just have a servent do it. I mean I for one use Felix." He states while Felix stands ashamed at the fact that he does all of the royal paperwork.
"Ha ha." Me and Athy both laugh at there sheananigans.

"Now the reason as to why I called for you. Eira you will be getting married too Dion Agriche, in a couple of moons." Claude informs me nonchalant.
"What, why!" I yell angrily at Claude.
"Because I am your father and I say so. Now if you're going to have that attitud you can go straight to the emerald palace young lady." He says with a stone-cold posture, clearly angry that I yelled at him. I stand up from my chair then curtsy "Goodbye father and sister, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day." I say, now surprisingly calm in tone, which made Claude and Athanasia suprised. I started walking away when someone grabed my arm. "I am sorry, I yelled at you. I should have understood that you would get angry, by the new." Claude tells me while embacing me tightly, like his afraid I'll leave him. I hug him back. *It's been a while since he last hug me.* I thought.
"I'll be in my study if you need anything, alright." I tell him as he let's go of me. Athy then runs up and hugs me. "Can I visit you in your study later big sister?" She asks giving me her puppy eyes.
"Yes you can, you can come to my study whenever you want." I tell her, kissing her on the cheek. She smiles up at me and I smile back. Claude walks closer to me and kisses me on the forehead. "Felix escort the first princess back to her study. Claude demands Felix. "Goodbye dear." He dismissed me."See you in a bit sister and goodbye father." I state, before Felix and I start to walk off towards the main palace and into my study.

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