Chapter 14 - tattoos

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A/N: for this chapter it's best if your familiar with Mapi's tattoos, so I included two pics where almost all of her tattoos are visible below:) The lion, compass, "love yourself" and looks can be deceiving play a part in this chapter!

A/N: for this chapter it's best if your familiar with Mapi's tattoos, so I included two pics where almost all of her tattoos are visible below:) The lion, compass, "love yourself" and looks can be deceiving play a part in this chapter!

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It's almost been a week since I scored my first goal for Barca and honestly, the time has just been flying

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It's almost been a week since I scored my first goal for Barca and honestly, the time has just been flying. We got the Sunday after the game off and I spent it at the beach with Laura. On Monday, practice started again and while it was still as hard as always, the temperature has constantly been dropping which allowed me to perform better. Even Jonatan noticed and promised me to let me start if I did well at our game against Bilbao tomorrow.

Sadly, Ingrid still wasn't speaking to me, and she wasn't the only one; Klara hadn't been returning any of my calls which really worried me as we had an international break coming up soon. I already wasn't looking forward to seeing Sydney again and with Klara ignoring me, I frankly just didn't want to go. Of course, this wasn't an option and I didn't want to risk my spot in the German team. With my mother being Chilean, I had been called up for the Chilean national team as well but as the German team was one of the best in the world I didn't want to give up on them just because of some disagreements.

Nevertheless, I didn't want to overthink it too much as we were already on our way to Bilbao, in fact we'd arrive at the hotel in a few minutes. The thought about me having to share a room with someone I didn't know that well made me feel quite uneasy. At Bayern, I always shared a room with Klara, and I had originally hoped to continue this tradition with Laura until I learned that we'd be assigned a roommate unless the stay was more than one or two nights. In all honesty, I just hoped it wouldn't be Ingrid.

The bus slowed down and eventually came to a stop in front of a big hotel.

I gently poked Laura into her upper arm. "Wach auf, wir sind da." ("Wake up, we're here") I whispered.

Before we were allowed to leave the bus, Jonatan went over our schedule and room arrangements with us.

"You're free to do whatever you want for the next two hours. At 5 pm I expect everyone back in the hotel lobby in the sponsored outfit which is already in your hotel room. We'll then go on a walk together and some of you are gonna have social media duties until we eat dinner at 19:30. Does anyone have any questions about that?" Jonatan explained, before taking a sheet and a box, presumably with our keys inside, from our assistant coach. "Now, when I call your name, you're allowed to leave the bus and I'll be handing you your room key."

Looks can be deceiving (Mapi León x OC)Where stories live. Discover now