Chapter 17 - the hottest day of the year

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"Emilia, wake up."

I felt someone shaking my shoulders, but my eyes were too heavy to open them.

"Let me sleep" I mumbled sleepily and tried pulling the blanket over my head.

Within a second, the blanket was pulled off me again, so I had to open my eyes to see who was responsible for this crucial action.

"It's 7:30 already, we need to leave in 15 minutes" Keira informed me, trying to pull me up.

"Why didn't you wake me up before?" I complained, still not ready to leave the bed.

"Oh, trust me, we tried that" I heard Lucy's voice from behind me. "But you were cussing at us in your sleep, so for our sake we thought we'd just let you rest a little longer."

A sigh escaped my mouth. I knew they just wanted the best for me, but now I wouldn't be able to get breakfast. Hastily, I got ready shortly after I was sitting in Mapi's car. Last night had left me all confused once again, but luckily I was meeting Antonia later which would hopefully take my mind off this whole Mapi situation.

Meanwhile, Mapi was acting as if last night never happened, casually talking about her upcoming game during international break which apparently, she wasn't too happy about.

"Who are you playing against?" I wondered, staring out of the window.

"I literally just told you" Mapi sighed. "We're playing against Switzerland, that's why I have to face my ex."

Her ex.

So that's what was bothering her.

While I was thinking about her, she had been thinking about her ex. Could this get any better?

"Who is she again?"

"Ana-Maria Crnogorčević."

"She played for Barca, right?" I asked, remembering what Alexia had told me.

Mapi nodded. "Yes. She plays for Real Madrid now."

My jaw dropped. "First Barca, then Madrid? Who does that?"

A small chuckle escaped Mapi's mouth. "I did it the other way, however with Atlético, so that's not as bad as Real."

As we pulled into the parking lot of Joan Gamper training facility, I couldn't help but let out another yawn.

"I'm still so tired" I complained, closing my eyes for a second. After Mapi had helped me to calm down last night, I probably only got three or four hours of sleep which definitely wasn't enough.

"The weather will be crazy today, 39 degrees they said. It will wake you up, don't worry."

39 degrees Celsius in September? Oh dear, what had I gotten myself into.

Before our first training session, we headed into the fitness room to do some warming up exercises and work out for a bit. So far, I definitely still was half asleep.

At 9:00, we headed to the pitch to do more fitness exercises under Jonatan's watch. I could already feel the sun burning on my head as I was doing an exercise with Jill.

"It's already way too hot" I complained, already sweating.

Jill nodded, removing a sweaty strand of hair from her face. "It rarely get's that hot in the Netherlands and it's only the morning. Apparently, today will be the hottest day of the year."

"Some day, this will kill me" I sighed exhaustedly.

Luckily, Jonatan soon called for a short hydration break, so we made our way over to the water bottles. However, I couldn't find one with my name on it, so one of the assistant coaches promised to send someone to get one until the next hydration break, but that never happened.

Looks can be deceiving (Mapi León x OC)Where stories live. Discover now