Chapter 40 - fries with ice cream

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(Find the TikTok reference;) )

"I'm glad the injury isn't too serious," I said genuinely, closing the door to the doctor's office behind us as I carried a small bag with Mapi's medicine in my hand.

"Mhm. Me too," the blonde sighed, suddenly stopping and throwing me a serious look. "But you don't need to take care of me. I'll just call my mom, I'm sure she won't mind."

"It's 11:27 and your parents live in Zaragoza," I unnecessarily reminded the Zaragoza native of her hometown after quickly checking the time on my iPhone. "She wouldn't be here until way after midnight and you need someone for the night. Let me do it, please."

"There are just so many things left unsaid between us," Mapi interjected unsurely, nervously turning her left crutch in her hand. "We can't just pretend nothing happened."

"Can we just prioritize your health right now?" I begged the injured blonde, despite knowing that she was right. "Let me just help you until you find someone else and afterward you can still tell me to fuck off, okay?"

Mapi's eyes uncertainty wandered over my body until she exhaled loudly, firmly grabbing the crutch again. "Vale."

Even though it wasn't the answer I had anticipated, I slowly followed her to the waiting area, consisting of a few uncomfortable wooden chairs behind a glass door, which allowed us to get a good look at the people inside.

"Look how adorable," I grinned, pointing at Ingrid and Laura, who had fallen asleep, the blonde's head resting on the Norwegian's shoulder.

"Aww no," Mapi laughed, desperately trying to open the door while holding both her crutches. "Now I feel even more terrible that they waited with me."

Awoken by the loud sounds of Mapi's unsuccessful attempt to enter the room, Ingrid was slowly opening her eyes as I reached over the Spaniard's shoulder to assist her in pushing the door open.

"Are you ready to leave?" I asked the sleepy Norwegian international once we had reached her.

"Mhm," she replied tiredly, gently nudging the sleeping German next to her. "Laura, wake up."

However, the tall blonde didn't even think to her eyes but instead buried her face even deeper in the Norwegian's neck. "Ingrid," she grumbled quietly, causing Mapi and me to burst out laughing.

"Yes, that's me," Ingrid said in a serious manner, still trying to wake Laura up. Meanwhile, Mapi and I earned a furious look from an older woman, but at least our laughter seemed to be the reason Laura started rubbing her eyes. With a big yawn, the German lifted her head off Ingrid's shoulder as she scanned her surroundings confusedly, seeming as if she had forgotten where she was.

As soon as her eyes met Mapi, the last few hours seemed to come back to her and she concernedly straightened herself up. "Omg, Mapi! You're back! What did the doctor say?"

"I have a grade 1 ACL sprain, which means I'm out for the next 10 weeks," Mapi sighed uncomfortably, her gaze falling to the ground to hide her watery eyes. "Honestly, I don't even want to think about it. Let's go home."

Thirty minutes later, we had finally managed to pull Mapi into the backseat of Ingrid's small car once again and were just about to leave the parking lot, when our comfortable silence was interrupted by a loud grumbling sound.

"Oops, that was my stomach," Ingrid giggled, steering the car through the gates of the hospital parking.

"I'm hungry too," I admitted, quickly glancing at my watch. "But it's too late."

"No offense, but if I'm pulled into this car by you guys one more time you might have to take me back to the hospital," Mapi joked, her injured leg resting on my lap with my hand placed on it for better stability. "But I could eat as well."

Looks can be deceiving (Mapi León x OC)Where stories live. Discover now