Chapter 44 ( END )

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If I didn't think things were hard enough....

They just got worse  !

Leena's pov ~

After seeing the whole thing go down with Nate, the people I assumed he knew. I was safe with Derek by my side for now.

Suddenly I heard many sets of footfalls that sounded like they were headed to this very room.

" What the hell is going on ? " Derek whispered beside me as whoever they were showed up in the way of the already stand off.

One guy stepped forwarded, pulled something that looked like a gun. Raising it in the air, letting several shots off. Forcing the two opposing sides to turn to take noticed.

" Gave up all you got, maybe no one will get hurt ! " the muscle head yelled, they looked sort of familiar.

What?! That was the same bum we encountered when we first arrived here.

" What the hell ? " I mirrored Derek who said along the same words earlier.

"Let's move away from this skarmage. This isn't our fight. Hell we don't even supposed to be on this planet Lee, " he said taking my hand as we tried to move away from whatever was about to happen.

We chose the furthest darkest corner of the room. To duck down, hide. Then I heard Nate speaking.

" So who are you people coming into my courters ? As you can see I have my hands full. Can you all come back another time. Thank you, " he spoke sarcastically.

" Yes we have business with this CRIMINAL first. And I'll deal with you JACKALS afterwards, " I saw the guy named Vil say turning around to face these new comers. He turned back to face Nate as if to brush something or someone off.

Like they were so insignificant.

In which only angered the muscle head goon. If his head was boiling kettle, it'll be at a pressure boil by now. Seeing it made me chuckle.

I soon realized my mistake...

I just gave away our location aka hiding place.

Oh SHIT !!!


Nate's pov ~

" Did I just hear someone laugh or could I say...chuckle ? " I thought to myself.

The head boss of this gang stepped forward, was looking around to see where that laugh/ chuckle came from. And if it's who I think it was...

NO ! Leena !

I tried to break free of the guards hold.

I knew this was my fault when those goons were heading in specific direction. And Bert was on alert to this also. He saw the pain in my eyes, pocketed his gun, turned to walk away.

" Bert what are you doing ? Get back here, take care this annoyance first ! " Vil yelled after Bert.

" She's an innocent. " was all Bert said, kept walking.

This exchange made the fools speed up their pursuit for where they heard her voice come from.

" And I care for...WHAT ! " going after, the guards grip on me loosened a bit, I then elbowed and kicked both simultaneously to break free.

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