Chapter 23

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Bert's pov~

Ten years ago

Lately Nate has spend all his time perfecting some sort of device. He has not been right since his loved one was one of many caught in that accident. Which some of our people knew was an cover up but were too afraid to question it.

But Nate wasn't. That also landed him imprisoned for an year. Who knew what horrors he had to face. When he first was released he was almost catatonic then went to being structured by our government. Basically like an robot. So one day as well of many I came to see him, couldn't bare to see him this way because we've been friends since we were adolescents. I tried to talk to him, to reach him so to speak.

When I began talking, he listened for a bit then he began to get agitated. Then we started to throw fists, we went at it seriously until I got the upper hand, pushed him into his floating numeral area.

He hit his head on one of the visible corners that powered it. Seeing this, I rushed over immediately to help. I looked him over for injuries, he had a huge gashed in the back of his head, was bleeding profusely. And for minutes I was panicked, a bit but reeled it in enough to get the kit.

Doing so before authorities were automatically alerted. I hated how our government had become but at the same, any other time this system was beneficial. But right now it wasn't for either of us. Only because who knew what our government would do if us both were in their clutches.


I did everything that was needed to keep him from fading away. Everything was stable but it was hell to see him lying here. His brain had already repaired itself to be able to wake up. But why wasn't he ?

And the course of six weeks. I watched over, took care until he woken one morning. By the look in his eyes, I knew he was fully there in recognition of me and himself. Then after weeks he started to works on something that I thought he could send him back to prison.

I let him know my thoughts but he was become unhinged to a certain extent. And during that time I was recruited by our special forces, we started to see each other less and less. But we talked over our hologram communicators. The more he'd get into research in what he was doing he'd keep me from knowing more. But I did keep my eyes and ears out to keep my friend safe.

So I went to his place of residence one day, discovered he wasn't there after calling out to him. I came across his communicator that was indicating incoming message. Which made me wonder why would he leave his behind ? Plus the temptation of wanting to know who or what this was about. I tried to resist but curiosity won out, I picked up the device pressing it on. And Nate's form materialize in the holographic message, I listened.

" Bert. If you are getting this message. I have already left, found what I've been looking for. I can hardly believe it. "

" I'll contact you when I make it there, I can't disclose where I am going because of the obvious. "

" Sorry old friend, thanks for all you have done. But please do me a favor. Please destroy my numeral area because of evidence. And if you decide you can't I've set a program to go off five minutes after you received this message. "

" Goodbye. "

The message ended, I checked how long I had to get away. It was three minutes, left out the back entrance. Going enough of an distance away to not get caught up in what pieces of  debris flying every which way.

I just hope that this wouldn't get too much recognition, wouldn't be investigated but if it was I'd do my best for it not to. But for how long ?


The present~

I really hated to do this but I couldn't evade this any longer. And an enemy to us both took over the investigation. I couldn't do a damn thing about. I had an family to protect now. Seeing him lying there being forced interrogated made me wish if I could've convinced him against his way thinking. Maybe things would be fine.

But the way our government done him was way wrong on so many levels. Of course I had no choice but to join if they came calling. And when they found out that I knew of his activities. It was said in so many words that if I didn't. My family would pay the price.

We're friends but my family is first, I've helped him so long I was surprised they didn't eliminate me sooner.

It amazes me that he has held on without breaking for almost a week.


Leena's pov~

A doctor came early in the morning, told me I'd be discharged today. It made me feel uneasy first for that not knowing where Nate was. And second because I didn't know where I was gonna go. If I could I would go to Nate's, he even given me a key to his home. But I didn't asked for one because I was thinking I wasn't staying long.

My funds are low besides the money I'd won from that casino. But it's not enough to pay rental fees, deposit at the same time. It wouldn't last long with the amount I had. I'd be out in two months from the rental prices out here. I needed to find work plus go to school when I have my own place.

But I'm very nervous to be on my own because there was always someone I was always living with. My parents then my dad, soon I was living with Derek. Now I was crashing at Nate's if I still had a place to crash that is.

Because he hasn't contacted me in awhile. And it's giving me the sign that he doesn't want anything to do with me. It feels like it's been done to me a lot from mom to my dad, even ex boyfriend.

I'm starting to wonder who can I trust. Is it me ? Or is it them ?

I know what happened with Derek was my fault but the other times it wasn't. I guess I'll have to do for myself, stop relying on people, own up to the things. And get past the things I didn't.

Maybe I should take that social worker up that offer of help. And don't feel ashamed about doing so.

I felt some type of way while doing this chapter. Some real life feelings ingrained in it.

 Some real life feelings ingrained in it

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