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SANTANA rolled her eyes when she climbed up the stairs, "get a room," she said as she eyed mr. schue and ms. pillsbury, roxanne and quinn right behind her.

"ms. sylvester wants to see you in her office, mr. schue," roxanne said, quinn was quick to add, "she doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"you got it," mr. schue responded as the cheerios walked away.

"we need to do something about finn and that club." quinn spat, grimacing at the thought of her boyfriend in glee, "i'm not letting our reputation get dragged down because of this. and did you see how that gremlin was staring at my man? ugh, I need to find a way to bring her down."

"we can join glee," roxanne instantly got disapproving looks from her two friends, "listen, we'll have that yentl under our watch, and we can have fun torturing the others too. and that'll definitely get us in coach sue's good graces."

santana shrugged with a smirk, "sure, I don't mind making some losers' lives even more miserable."

"the celibacy club is now in session," quinn started from in between roxy and santana, "thanks to a school rule that says we have to let anyone join the club, we are welcoming a new member this week- rachel what's-her-name," she spat bitterly as they all stared at rachel.

"where are all the boys?" rachel asked.

roxanne couldn't help herself from rolling her eyes, "is that why you're here? for the boys?"

before the jewish girl could try to deny it, the blonde answered, "down the hall. first half-hour we separate and then we come together to share our faith."

the cheerios all stood up, and santana grabbed roxanne's hand and they both twirled under each other's arms.

"god bless the perv who invented these," quinn started, "remember the power motto girls. it's all about the teasing and not about the pleasing!" the cheerios quoted the last part simultaneously, before dancing around each other.

"back it up like a dump truck, baby!" santana exclaimed, making the other girls laugh.

after thirty minutes, the boys arrived and quinn blew up
some balloons while everyone found a partner. a football player walked up to roxanne with a ballon, before jj came in between them and took his place in front of the girl, sending his teammate a menacing glare. roxanne watched only with a roll of her eyes.

"let's pair up for the immaculate affection. now, remember, if the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry," quinn said.

roxanne placed the balloon between her and jj. she grabbed his shoulders and he gripped her waist, their eyes boring into each other.

"this is a whole new level of moronic, even for you," jj commented, looking around him and breaking eye contact with the girl.

roxanne scoffed, before replying, "as if you're not here too. so please, do me a favor and shut up. and try to keep it in your pants."

the boy snickered, "that's not what you-"


their bickering was interrupted by the sound of a balloon popping, and their attention was now on finn, "finn!" quinn exclaimed, while the boy looked embarrassed.

"it must have hit my zipper," he lied nervously.

"you know what, this is a joke!" rachel cut in, pulling away from jbi, "did you know that most studies have demonstrated that celibacy doesn't work in high schools?
our hormones are driving us too crazy to abstain. the second we start telling ourselves that there's no room for
compromise we act out. the only way to deal with teen
sexuality is to be prepared. that's what contraception is

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