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AFTER SECTIONALS, a lot had changed. rachel and finn were now dating and were convinced they were the new power couple, quinn and puck were trying to make their relationship work, and sue was on the cheerios' asses because of the glee club's win at sectionals.

in glee, roxanne sat next to kurt and santana as they watched mr. schue draw a stick figure and a speech bubble that said "hello", on the whiteboard.

"hello," mr. schue said pointing at the drawing, but he only received silence and blank stares.

"hello?" he repeated.

"hello," roxanne mumbled along with everyone else, except for rachel, who answered enthusiastically.

"what do you guys say when you answer the phone?" mr.
schue asked.

"what up?" mercedes spoke up.

"who dis be?"

"no, she's dead. this is her son." when kurt said that, roxanne turned to glance at him with raised eyebrows, but the boy was just mindlessly twirling his hair between his fingers.

mr. schue was taken back by kurt's answer, "o-kay. alexander graham bell, inventor of the telephone, liked to say, "ahoy, ahoy" when he answered the phone. it was edison who decided that "hello" was a more appropriate greeting." mr. schue explained, but everyone simply stared at him. "look. i am really proud of what you guys did at sectionals. but, as most of you have realized by now, it hasn't made a bit of difference in your day-to-day at school."

"i have a slushie-stained training bra to prove it," rachel
stated unnecessarily.

"a training bra?" roxy asked in confusion.

"not all of us stuff, roxanne." rachel shot back.

before roxanne even had the chance to say anything back, jj replied casually with, "oh, she doesn't stuff," causing everyone's attention to shift between roxanne and jj, but they mostly stared at her. and by her, that means roxanne's chest area.

"hey!" the perez girl exclaimed after glaring at jj and noticing everyone's eyes, barring mr. schue's, on her chest, "he saw me at the pool once," lie. at her words, they all looked away hastily.

"uhm, moving on...," mr. schue spoke up again, trying to grasp their attention, "fact is, we're going to have to be better, even more spectacular at regionals. it's time for some reinvention, some new, new directions. we need a new... hello. here's your assignment for the week: come up with a fresh number, but it has to have 'hello' in the song title. alright?" the bell rang and all walked out.

roxanne, santana, and brittany made their way to coach sylvester's office. the trio then stood in a straight line in front of sue as she worked out on her elliptical.

"you three should be wetting yourselves with shame." sue said, before getting off the machine and circling the girls. "glee club won sectionals, and you did nothing to stop it. if you were samurai and my letter opener was sharp enough, I would ask you three right now to commit seppuku. in japanese, this means ritual belly-slitting."

"we were seduced by the glitz and glamour of showbiz."
brittany stated softly, and the three shared a look.

"let me drop some knowledge on you. ever since quinn fabray got knocked up, I've been in the market for a new co-captain alongside roxy." sue told Santana and Brittany. "if you want the job and back in my good graces, you're gonna have to turn around, and listen up." santana and brittany quickly turned around to face sue, who had been now standing behind them. "you too, roxy. you need to redeem yourself if you want me to forgive and forget." slowly, roxanne turned.

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