-The Chicken Sandwich Incident-

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"So what's the agenda for today?" I asked curiously "meh.. Whatever you want to do. It's up to you" replied Macy. "How about we eat some chicken sandwiches?" Jasmine suggested, that girl has some serious issues... Considering the face that she can basically live off of the schools chicken sandwiches. Macy and I have already encountered the "cons" of the chicken sandwiches. Mine being that it was uncooked and Macy's being that she was nearly shitted on by a bird while eating the cursed sandwich. Luckily it landed right in front of her. Dang bird. Learn how to aim.. What a disappointment.

Anyways in memory of the incident, one of our pals decided to draw a circle around the shit with many arrows pointing at it. Literally labeling BIRD SHIT. After remembering the incident I decided to stand up, catching Macy's and Jasmine's attention. "What?" Macy asked curiously "let's go!" I said excitedly "go where?" Jasmine questioned "Let's go do homework duh!" I said sarcastically " GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASSES AND LETS GO DO STUPID SHIT!" I exclaim. At that moment we all laugh together and run down the hill to do wild stupid things, together. As I walk ahead I'm greeted with screams.

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