HOLA MY READERS.. IF I HAVE ANY.. GAWD I NEED TO TURN OFF MY CAPS... okay.. Better? Anywhoo.. I'm new to this thing.. So uh.. If you read don't be a ghost.. NO DONT LEAVE PLZ READ THIS. ok.. *thinks to self* merpie you gotta say something interesting!! *blurts aloud* DID YOU KNOW THAT TACOCAT IS TACOCAT BACKWARDS?!? yup I probs got your attention by now. Anyways I just wanna let my fellow merpsters that I will be updating on either FRIDAY SATURDAY OR SUNDAY okay? Ye... Uhm don't be a ghost reader please.. I got a comment and I went crazy so it would be awesome if you commented.. Okay.. IMMA go eat some cookies now.. BTW LEAVE SUGGESTIONS AND OPINIONS I dearly value them. Okay. Bye. MERPSTERS HUEHUEHUE.
- Emotionless - ( Might Delete )
Fiksi Remaja-No emotion. No pain. No weaknesses.- Here at the R.A.A this is what we become. Emotionless. "My name is Eclipse. I am 17 years old. I have been at this agency for two years." "Anything before those two years.. I cannot remember. " "My job...