The Gadget

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- Tessa's POV -
After I slowly walked back I decided to go back and lay on the bed I woke up on. Not long after, Lisa and the doctor burst into the room.

"Hello my name is Shane, Shane Smith"
I still stayed silent. The doctor.. Or Shane continues, this time speaking to Lisa.
"Well Scarlett it seems that Tessa here has lost her emotions.

"Yeah I know Shane I read the damn clipboard" Lisa says knowingly

"Ugh. Of course you did" Shane mutters under his breath

"What did you say Shane?" Lisa asks clearly knowing what he said

"Nothing but let me continue, Tessa here lost her emotions so we need to get it back." The doctor informs Lisa
"That's why we have a gadget that will show you what emotions she has regained. The gadget looks like this!!"

- Emotionless - ( Might Delete )Where stories live. Discover now