- HGC Pilot; I have a plan!

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It was a rainy night, and Akame had just arrived from work. The door to the girls apartment was slammed shut as she entered. After a long, and busy day, of being yelled at and bossed around, she put her beautiful blue hair into a neat bun. A bun so tight it pulled her hairline back by 65 kilometers, she was still hot though. Her tits bounced to an enchanting rhythm as she walked freely, her coat on the coat-hanger, her bag on the floor, her phone- vibrating 300 times per minute- halfway across the room. She raised her arms and embraced the precious smell of feminism, just the scent she needed after what she's experienced. Sonny, and Tracy, both rushed out their rooms to greet her.

" Akame! " - They both shouted, running into her big, buff, and beautifully burly man-muscles. To strangers, Akame seemed like a nice, fragile girl. But around her friends, it's like she could pin down a grizzly bear on steroids. Sonny buried her crimson hair into Akame's neck as she squeezed the two tightly. In a very passionate, platonic way. " Welcome back! Sonny and I made dinner. " Said the blonde, Tracy, who looked like she had just sniffed a bucket-full of cocaine. Of course nobody questioned it, it was a natural look. " Like always, I did most of the work, while you dozed off in a corner. " Sonny chimed in. " Right.. " Tracy nodded her head, while absentmindedly throwing herself onto the couch.

Despite her mostly upbeat and mischievous attitude, Sonny slapped a picture onto the table for the girls to look at, with the most serious expression on her face. It was of an 'Emo-boy' that worked at the same local cafe as her. His outfit was the complete opposite of a flash-bang, and his eye-shadow made you want to instinctively flick your wrist. " We've got another one, " Sonny grumbled. " A room-rotter. "

The girls had different categories to describe all of the 'challenges' they encountered, and the first category was a room-rotter, basically someone who spends most of their days in their room, or possibly their mother's basement. " I've noticed, recently, that Joshua has the ability to make the mood in any atmosphere depressing, somehow. I mean, he walks into a party and suddenly it turns into a funeral, taking every opportunity to rant about his problems. " Sonny complained, it was obvious that she held some sort of grudge against him. " You think he uses magic?" Akame leans in, " Do you even— "

Sonny immediately cuts her off, crossing her arms proudly as she yelled-

Sonny immediately cuts her off, crossing her arms proudly as she yelled-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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