~ Chapter 1 ~

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My friend and I's drawing of Jamie Campbell Bower 🥵 we are artists if you didn't know 🤪 ... I'm joking, I suck at drawing lmao my drawings the one on the right bahdhsnsndd

And writing at the top was my friend asking me if I saw the video of him pulling his pants down hahahaha and I drew that little pic of him with no pants on with his guitar haha

Um, not proof read :( sorry


Yibo's pov:


I slammed my fist on my clock nearly breaking it in the process. Goddamnit. School. The one place I didn't want to be right now. And on top of that I have to pick a new subject because of the stupid principle having to cancel physics. Doesn't matter, that was boring anyways.

I finally got my ass up off the bed and trudged to the bathroom to refresh myself. After that I got dressed and went downstairs grabbed an apple and walked out the door. Lets hope the stupid bunny doesn't go to school today so I don't have to deal with him.

"Gah! I hate school! I have to walk so far just to get to this hell hole." I pouted.

Finally, I made it to school! I walked through the doors. "Yoooooooo Yiboooooo!!!" I looked in front of me and there he was my best friend Yu Bin.

"Hey!! Thank god you're here I thought you were going to leave me again" I looked down and faked crying.

Yu Bin gasped and grabbed my shoulders "Ah! Yibo!!! Don't cry!! I'm sorryyy!!" I just smirked and looked at him. "Yibo! You are so sneaky!!" I just giggled and walked towards my locker grabbing my books and putting my bag away.

"What subject are you going to choose?" I asked.

"Apparently we cannot choose.."

"WHAT?!" My mouth dropped to the floor.

"Yeah... they have already chosen what we are going to learn."

"Hmm... That's unfair!! Do you know what the subjects are?" Yu Bin nodded.

"I know the subjects that was allowed. There was, Gym, art, music, sport and rec, geography, history, sex ed and English extension."

"SEX ED!? Who would want to do that!? Omg imagine if you got that- BAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I couldn't stop laughing I nearly fell on the floor.

"Hey! You watch your going to get karma for saying something like that! And what's wrong with sex ed? It's educational!"

"Hah!? I better not get karma!! Everything's wrong!! It's embarrassing... And what if they actually get you to... yah know... do stuff." I covered my face I could already tell I was blushing.

"Hahahaha aww Yibo you are adorable! They wouldn't do that! they shouldn't be allowed to." I just smiled.

"Soon the bell rung and we went to the main hall where we would get our new subjects. I just hoped I got either music, art or gym they would be the best options.

"Okay everyone take a seat!" Everyone sat down. "Good. Now! I will be calling your name up and you will come down here quietly and take this piece of paper!" The principle held up a little piece of paper for everyone to see. "Okay!? It has your subject on it and there will be no swaps. We chose what we thought was best for you and we have your parents consent on this so don't even think of getting them to come and complain to me."

Everyone started murmuring. "Silence!! Okay now I will be calling out your name!" they stated calling out peoples names and after a while they finally called out Yu Bin's name. He walked down there and got his paper. "Wang Yibo!" I stood up and walked down and grabbed the paper and walked outside and sat in one of the chairs next to Yu Bin.

"Have you opened yours yet?" Yu Bin shook his head. "Wanna open it together then?"

"Yeah, on the count of three... One, two, three!!" We both opened our papers and I looked at mine.

Sex ed

No fucking way... no fucking way!

"What did you get Yu Bin...."

"Gym!! I'm so happy!!! What did you get Yibo?"

Fuck... Why did I get karma!?

I pouted and threw the paper at him. He looked down and read it. My ears started turning red. "HAHAHHAAHAHA!!! Karma!!! You got karma!! Hahahaahahah serves you right!!" I just scoffed.

"Yeah, yeah! No need to rub it in anymore." I huffed. I don't want to do this.

"Imagine you actually have to do things with other people!" Yu Bin giggled.

My eyes widened. "You don't think so right!? They can't do that! even you said so yourself!"

"I don't know Yibo! I wouldn't put it past them.. And you never know! You might like sex ed.." I just glared at him. Yu Bin continued to laugh at me. Finally, the bell rang. "Well, I've got gym and you've got.." He giggled. "Sex ed. Hehehehee see you at lunch Yibo! Don't have too much funn"

I turned bright red. "Shut up you monkey!!!" I poked my tongue out at him and turned around stomping to my class that I'm thinking of skipping every time I have it on.


Next chapter will be of the class!!!

How do you think Yibo will go in it? Hehehehe will something dramatic happen?

Guess you'll have to wait for the next chapter hehehehe

Anyways don't forget to vote and save this!!! Hhehehehe

Have a great day lovely's xx

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