~ Chapter 2 ~

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My dog messed everything up - __- lol also I got fake nails for formal so there will be loads of mistakes lol


I walked inside the classroom and I could see on the right side of the room was little rooms side by side. On the left side of the room had a big table against the wall with boxes on them. I don't wanna know what's in them. and finally in the middle of the room was the teachers desk as well as the students desks.

I walked towards a seat at the back hoping to zone out so I don't have to listen to the teacher. Finally, the teacher walked in. "Good morning everyone! How was your day at school?" Hell. School is going bad unsurprisingly. "So, this is our first lesson about sex ed together. I don't want you guys to get overwhelmed with what I will be talking about during this time we have together.. So, I will be going easy on you for now."

What is she even talking about? I have no idea....

"Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mrs Bell. I would like everyone else to introduce yourselves to me and your peers. We'll start from the front lefts and go in a zig zag line!" Great. I do not care about everyone else I just want this lesson to be finished with. I looked up at the clock. You've got to be kidding me, it's only been 10 minutes? I sighed dramatically. God, this is going way to slow. I wonder if Yu Bin is having fun, I pouted. I was suddenly brought back down to earth by the person in the second last row said their name.

"Hello! I'm Xiao Zhan" My god, of course the bunny has to be in this class. I couldn't help but wonder if we would get paired together if we had to do things.. I mentally slapped my face, gosh Yibo! How can you think about stuff like that!?

When it's my turn I pondered if I should actually say anything smart to the teacher but decided not to as I don't know if she's actually a good teacher or bad one yet. "Hi, I'm Wang Yibo." I stated with my poker face.

"Great! Now that everyone has introduced themselves I will be telling you guys what to expect from this class and what you will be doing!" please nothing practical, please nothing practical! I kept chanting in my head. "So, we will be learning about the female and male functions, how sex is done and what you are supposed to feel throughout it with both male x female, female x female and male x male. Yes, we will also include LgbtqI+ in this class, so if you have anything against it I would recommend you keep it to yourselves. We do not need to create a problem. You will be doing theoretical things and practical things in this class. Which means you will be getting physical with your other partner; you will share what your body can offer for your other person. I will be choosing your partners, the person I will choose is what I would say is your soulmate, I've done this before in other schools and 99% of the time I am correct and they go on to marriage which is very beautiful. You might not think it right now but you never know if they will be your soulmate." You've got to be fucking kidding. Sharing my body? With a stranger? Over my dead body! Looking around the room I see some people picking their nose or just looking gross. Fuck. If I'm paired with one of them that would be my fucking thirteenth reason.

"Now I know it will be hard at the start so I will be going easy on you and we wont be going into anything hardcore just yet. So, I'll tell you your partners." Omg wait what if it's a girl!? Sorry I'm gay. I will not be doing those things with a girl... WAIT!! I wont be doing any of those things with anyone!!! "Okay first pair: Chu Hua and Honghui...." And she kept going on with people that I didn't know. My stomach is feeling weird, I'm so nervous I really don't want to get paired with someone... "Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan." No fucking way... I shouldn't have thought about him before, curse my bad luck. I looked over at him and I found him already staring at me. My face heated up I quickly looked away. Oh my god. I'm partnered with Xiao Zhan.

I broke out of my thoughts when I felt someone staring at me, I looked beside me and a girl was glaring at me. What.? I looked at her with cold eyes and she finally looked away. Why she do that? oh, did she want to get paired with Xiao Zhan, I smirked. I got him first hah! I blushed and looked down, why am I thinking it's a huge achievement..

The bell rung finally. I quickly got out of my seat and rushed to the door so I could meet Yu Bin and tell him what happened. I got out of the door but I didn't make it fair, I felt someone's hand grab my arm yanking me back. "Ah, What the!" I looked back and found Xiao Zhan staring at me again. Woah.. he's really handsome... Shake out of it Yibo! "Did you need anything?" I stared at the wall behind him, no way I could meet his eyes again.

"Yes, I would like to be friends! If you are my partner and it's said that there is a 99% chance of you being my soulmate I would like to get to know you before we get into intimate acts." I looked up at him and he smiled, oh- I think I'm going to fall. Help me my heart has stopped. I think I'm having a heart attack.

"Er, y-yeah sure, we can be f-friends." I flinched, why did I stutter? Argh. "Well, I'm going now.. bye!" I ran. I didn't know what to do so I just ran and now I feel like that was a bad idea, oh well. I see Yu Bin sitting at our table and I walked fast towards him. "Hey Yu Bin!!" I sat down.

"Hey Yibo!!" He giggled.

"How was gym? I bet it was better than sex ed!" I whined.

"Yeah it was great! My teachers so good!! How was sex ed?" He giggled.

"That's good! Don't get me started on sex ed!! The teachers okay but we actually have to do stuff with the partners she chose!!!"

"What!! Hahaha who's your partner?" as soon as he said that I felt arms wrap around my neck and a face resting on my head.

"Me! Xiao Zhan!" he said happily. My eyes widened and I looked towards Yu Bin to find him shocked and trying to hold back his laughs. I glared at him. Xiao Zhan let go of me and sat beside me. "Do you mind if I sit here? I asked Yibo if we could be friends so we could get to know each other and he agreed and when I was going to ask if I could sit with him and his friend he ran off." He smirked. I blushed and looked away.

"Oh, Yibo you ran?! Ahahahahhaa" Yu Bin was now on the floor laughing his ass off. I stood up.

"Yu Bin!! Ah! Get off the floor and stop laughing at me!!!! YOU BLOODY MONKEY!!!!" I screamed which got the attention of everyone around us. Xiao Zhan grabbed my hand and pulled me down to which I fell and landed on his chest. Oh- his chest is hard. Does he work out?

"Yibo, when you're done looking you should get up!" Xiao Zhan smirked. I looked at him blushing I quickly got up and looked away. "This could be interesting.." Zhan murmured. I pretended not to hear him.

I wonder how this will turn out.


Okay!!!! How was this? Good? Bad? Lol I had this as a draft for a while and forgot about it. 

I'm finally back!!! After formal, camping and exams I'm back yay!!!!

I will be publishing more for this story as well as my others. Which reminds me if you haven't read my other books you totally should.. heheeh please :)

Comment and vote lovely's xx

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