Chapter 18: A real lover

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In the party room, Roy was bleeding heavily and Leslie tried to keep pressure on it.

"God..." Roy says as was laying on Leslie's lap wheezing.

"Please stay with me." Leslie says as she keeps him awake.

   Rex was keeping a close eye on everyone from doing anything. Everyone was sitting close to the wall and staying still and afraid of being shot. Vannessa wanted to do something and noticed that he was sweating in fear and anxiety that she might scoot closer and pepper spray him.

  While Cherry ran out of the kitchen and hid somewhere, Lenny jumped on Kobe and gave him a few blows to the face until he got kicked off. Kobe got up and saw the gun in the corner and tried to go for it until Lenny threw a pot at him and tried to go for it as well.

  Kobe kicked him in the leg and pulled him back and punched him in the nose hard so that Lenny's glasses broke off. Kobe grabbed the gun and tried to aim until Lenny grabbed a spray bottle of chemical cleaner and sprayed him in the eyes.

"AHHHH! You fucking no-fur!" Kobe screamed in agony as he started firing rounds at him.

  Lenny rolled away and got up and punched him in the face and grabbed onto the gun as it kept firing. They struggled and fought each other in the kitchen while rounds were being shot. Kobe kicked him away. And was about to fire and then....


"Goddammit!" Kobe swears in agony.

  Lenny then went at him again and tried to finish him off but Kobe punched him and threw him onto the strove which knocked the gas line open as it started to let out gas into the air. Kobe then ran out of the kitchen and went out of the kitchen leaving Lenny unconscious.

"Where are you?!" Kobe shouted as he went into the hall to find Cherry. She was hiding in a conference room under the table with only a kitchen knife in her hand.

"Cherry!" Kobe shouted as he started looking around the hall.

She tried to stay quiet as he went in the room and started looking around.

"No matter how much you rejected me! You will be mine no matter what! What does that no-fur have that I don't?!" Kobe shouted as he swept around the room and went to another.

Cherry starts moving out of the conference room slowly and tries to sneak away and tries to find help. Kobe looked around and saw her making a run for it to the emergency exit. He pulled her into a headlock and she screamed and struggled and tried to fight him.

He knocked her out with one punch in the face and tried to drag her away back to the party room but didn't know the gas from the stove was starting to spread around the rec center.

"I got her!" Kobe shouted as he dragged her.

  Everyone watched in horror as he passed by to the door. Lenny finally woke up and smelled the gas and panicked when he saw Kobe and Rex about to leave with Cherry. That he ran as fast as possible and jumped on Kobe that made him let go of Cherry. He started pulling on his ears and tried to shake him off.

Rex was about to aim at Lenny but Vanessa grabbed his gun and made him misfire but the bullet went through the wall into the kitchen and make a spark when it hit the medal table that caused the gas to ignite and caused half of the establishment to burn in flames and everyone got blown onto the ground by the explosion.

Outside of the Rec center, many police officers and firefighters responded and tried to control the blazing inferno. Inside, Lenny wakes up and sees Rex's body partly burnt to a crisp but doesn't see Kobe or Cherry around. He didn't hesitate and tried to find them in the inferno area.

  The authorities were able to open the door and started escorting everyone out to safety and Roy fell unconscious by blood loss and Leslie hurried and carried him out to the ambulance and paramedics started treating his gunshot wound.

"Vennessa got worried that she didn't see Lenny or Cherry anywhere and wanted to save them but was pulled by a firefighter.

"Whoa! Are you crazy?! You can't go back in there!"

"My friends are still in there!" Vannessa shouted.

"Don't worry, We will find them."

  Meanwhile, Lenny went to find them and heard Cherry screaming and he didn't hesitate and went to go find her as soon as possible. Kobe was Dragging her to the emergency exit and Cherry tried to fight back.

"Stop fighting me! You will be mine!" Kobe shouted.

"I will never be with you!" Cherry shouted.

"Let go of her!" Lenny shouted.

"No! Why won't you stay dead!" Kobe shouted.

"Why won't you understand that she doesn't want you?!" Lenny shouted back.

"I really want to kill you, ever since I first saw you. Your kind has to end."

"I don't know why you have to make my life miserable. But if you want to be that way. Then, let's end this." Lenny says.
"Fine with me." Kobe says as he lets go of Cherry and goes at Lenny with his claws.

  Lenny dodges fast and punches Kobe in the snout. He felt blood running down and made him more furious that he punched Lenny in the gut and slammed him on the wall and digs his claws into his chest. Lenny screams in pain as he feels the pain of his skin being cut. Lenny then grabbed a burned piece of wood and slashed it into Kobe's left side of his face.

"AHHHHHHH!" Kobe shouted as he covered his face.

  Kobe lost the vision in his left eye and part of his face was burnt. Lenny then punches him in the face and kicks him in the leg. Kobe falls down and punches Lenny back in the face. Lenny stumbled back and fell on his back. Kobe then chokes him and tries to strangle him.

  Lenny struggles and tries to breathe but Kobe smiles evilly and tightens his grip around his throat. Cherry finally wakes up and sees in fear of Lenny losing consciousness. She sees a sharp piece of glass on the floor and grabs it and stabs Kobe in the neck.

  Kobe gags blood from his mouth and lets go of Lenny. Kobe then lost his balance and fell into a huge flame and caught on fire. Kobe barley screams while gargling in his own blood as he was getting burnt to a crisp.

  Kobe was dead and Cherry helped Lenny get up and tried to get out of the rec center as fast as possible but the way out to the party room was blocked and they had to find another way out. They headed to the emergency exit and tried to open it but they started to lose oxygen and started to suffocate by the cloud of smoke forming.

  Fortunately, they opened the door and were able to get out into the alley. Lenny collapsed on the ground unconscious and many paramedics came and took them to the ambulance and headed to the hospital.

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