Our reunited love

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Sodo/Dewdrop x y/n
Angst ???????
Alcohol mentions ????????

Info just real quick:
So as you know in this au ghouls aren't human, sure they've got human futures but not quiet the same. So the ghouls can get pretty violent at times, usually only with each other and not humans. Especially their partners. But no not this time.....

Flashback: Sodo and Y/n got into a very heated argument after a ritual. It was mainly because not even once did he signal anything to them not even looking their way either. And when he went back stage to replace the wireless amp piece he walked straight passed them not even saying a word just completely ignoring them. After the ritual he headed straight to his dressing room. Passing y/n on the way. An hour had passed to when y/n had enough and barged in like they own the place not even knocking. Sodo looked up as soon as he heard the door slam, tears forming in y/n's e/c eyes. "Baby what's wrong-" he reached his hand to caress their cheek but before it made contact it was harshly smacked away. "Do you not love me anymore?" Sodo starred for 2 seconds "now how did this get in your head." "Sodo answer my question.." he was taken aback by you using his name instead of the cute pet names chosen for just for the 2 of you. "Baby if I answer that question then it means that Ive failed you and your expectations forcing you to ask such a thing" tears were streaming down faster. "You do this every time you avoid the question when it's convenient!" He hated when they yelled it made his bones rattle and that feeling of discomfort rolled in "Damn it y/n that's not the point I was trying to get across to you!" "You don't care do you! All you do is think about your sorry little self and I've-" y/n then felt the stinging pain in their left cheek. Blood and tears flooded the side of their face. The wide eyed stare that looked at Sodo told him 'your a monster' "y/n, baby I'm so sorry" he reached out again "get away from me!" They yelled and ran to the nearest train station practically being chased down by a ghoul and his best friend hunting you down by your sent (ghouls have a good sense of smell) telling him how much he fucked up.

At the station Y/n quickly paid for a ticket and got on looking out the windows of the train, the last thing seen being Sodo's sobbing face staring back at them. Aether trying to calm him down. "N-No I did this..." he fell to the ground, train moving off slowly gaining speed each second.

Sodos pov:
A week had passed Laying against the window drinking out of his 4th bottle of whiskey staring down into the courtyard while it rained he sighed "I wish you'd come back home.."

The next morning Sodo found himself laying in bed wrapped in his blanket with bandages wrapped around his right arm, wondering what happened he sat up looking down at his floor he saw a shattered whiskey bottle "shit..." right after y/n quietly closes the door back turned from soda thinking he's still asleep. Sodo stares in shock quietly sneaks up and hugs them from behind. "I-is this real-? Tell me I'm not dreaming again... please..." y/n hugged him back giving him 'the reassuring kiss' "I'm not ever leaving again it's ok...." "I-I'm so sorry-" "seeing you like this is a more than enough of an apology... seeing what I've made of you already makes my feel guilty" soda dug his head into their chest and held on tight. "I'm not gonna let you out of my sight from now on ok!" They giggled, a sweet giggle, that'll light up his strong beating heart "ok."

(666 words)

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