An Unexpected Surprise

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Rain x Female Y/n
Like the title the plot is a surprise.

Y/n had been feeling quite I'll for the past couple of days and couldn't bring herself to get up and move at times. Little did she know these symptoms were caused by none other than signs of pregnancy.

Y/n decided to try a pregnancy test without notifying Rain, just in case it scared him even if it was a false alarm.

Once taken She sat and waited on the bed for about 15 before Rain bursted into the room. Hold 2 grocery bags to help with the sickness his mate has been experiencing. Rain was about to make her take some medicine when she ran back into the bathroom locking the door making sure we wouldn't see the test yet. After leaving Rain clueless and waiting 5 more minutes she checked the test. And sure enough it was positive.

Rain lightly knocked on the door for the 4th time. Y/n opened the door slowly holding the test behind her back. It didn't take long for him to notice though, "droplet what are you hiding?" She looked him in the eyes and started to debate wether she should go through with it or not...

She pulled the test out from behind her back. Rain examined it from afar just blankly staring at it and starting to tear up. "Is this a prank y/n? Or am I gonna be a father" "No love it's real we're gonna be parents!" Rain picked her up and spun her around then he set her on the bed

"Your pregnant!" "I am!" "Oh.. oh no, no no no." "Rain what's the matter-?" "What if I'm not a good father? What if i can't provide enough for you and the young long? What if-" she cut him off "Rain! We will be new to this I know, but we're in this together wether you like it or not, we're not the best parents no one's perfect, everyone has flaws. And not to mention we'll have the ghouls, ghoulette, and ghoulehs by our side. We won't have to do this alone ok?" (I can't remember if ghoulehs are the non-binary ones or not but I'm going with it)

"Alright.. wait what about baby proofing-?" "Oh no, we'll need toys aswell. This is gonna be a very stressful couple of years huh?" "Yup."

(404 words)

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