Fallen Angel at dawn pt.2

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(Swiss x female reader.)
Aye remember we're we left off at

Y'all woke up like this again like at the same time starting into each other's eyes and getting extremely flustered ofc she  was the first to get up covering her face with both hands

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Y'all woke up like this again like at the same time starting into each other's eyes and getting extremely flustered ofc she  was the first to get up covering her face with both hands. Swiss on the other hand being the big flirt he is got over his embarrassed flustered self and dragged her back in bed and lays her on-top of  him so her wings wouldn't get injured. "Y/n it's way too early" he was giving her the puppy dog eyes, oh how his teasing was gonna get to her. "Just a little bit longer??" She gave in and buried her face into his chest. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and started to rub his tail along her back and wings to calm her nerves. Soon enough you could hear Swiss's soft little purrs "how cute-" "huh what is-?" She look upwards toward his eyes and spoke "the purring" the blush from his face couldn't be hidden. It was almost to the shade of a sweet honey crisp apple 🍎 "I-it's not that cute!" She chuckled. just from her sweet little giggles they managed to make Swiss calm down and stop freaking out "ya know your pretty cute yourself" he smiled "your joking right?" "Why would I joke about something like that?" "I-I don't know, to be honest I don't know much about you ghouls yet. so far what I've witnessed is nothing like what was said in the book." "Hmm, how about I show you something that is apart of our nature?" She nodded and he took the opportunity to sinfully sweetly kiss her lips she was surprised at first but it didn't take long to fall into it. Honestly this would've been a full in make out session if Aether didn't start pound so loudly at the door Swiss sighed and let out his reply. "One second!" Papa Nihil would like to see the both of you in his office. Immediately!" Aether footsteps carried down the hall "Christ on a stick!" "I-is it bad-?" "No but it means our little fun will have to wait" he smirked at her then got up and started to get ready. This left her flustered and a bit confused "O-oh right!" He grabbed a sweater out of his closet and handed it to you "since you don't have a change of clothes yet I figured this could work" he awkwardly smiled as she then smiled back. "I-I'll turn around now and let you get to it!" She giggled.

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