Chapter 1: Deserted Island

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"Do any of you hear that" questioned Oluwande.

They all turned their head toward the sound to see someone on a small row boat waving at them. Oluwande pulled out his telescope pointed it to the person and looked through it.

"You've got to be kidding me" "Its captain.."

"GUYSS!!" Stede yelled from across the water in hopes to get his crews attention.

The guys waved back towards Stede. Stede sat back down and started rowing toward the island using all his strength. He soon got to the island, got out his boat and pulled it a sore.

"Where's the ship?" Stede questioned while trying to catch his breath.

"They left us behind, we were supposed to do a talent show" Black Pete replied.

"Wheres Lucius?" Stede questioned Pete in a worried voice.

"We don't know Izzy said he was coming, but then they left.." Pete told.

"Jim, Frenchie! Their missing too!" Stede exclaimed loudly in a concerned voice.

"Do you think Izzy took them hostage when he left us behind?" Sweed questioned the others.

" Izzy has taken over? H-How is e-" Stede cut himself off "I mean uh how is blackbeard?"

" different" Roach replied.

"i see..what direction did they leave in?" Stede questioned quietly.

"They went the way you came from." Oluwande pointed out to sea.

"Alright crew let's set off" Stede said as he ushered everyone onto the small boat.

"Um captain..i dont think we can all fit on that.." Roach uttered.

"common, we'll just squish together" Stede said with confidence.

"Caption since when did you start to grow a beard?" Swede questioned.

"Huh? Oh uh guess i have been at sea for a while trying to find you guys.."

Stede ushered everyone onto the small row boat, putting everyone is specific places in hopes of fitting all of them on the boat. Wee John in the middle rowing, Oluwande sitting at the front next to Stede. Black Pete and Swede on the other end behind Wee John and Buttons squished in front of wee john.

"Alright crew you remember the rule. If something goes wrong we talk it through..." 

"As a crew.." The guys sighed.

Just as they could no longer see the island and felt as though they were getting close to the revenge it started to pour down with rain. The guys sat in the pouring rain shivering for about an hour and a half when it finally stopped.

"Can someone else row the boat now" Wee John said while trying to catch his breath.

Everyone looked at eachother, no one wanted to row the boat for the next 3 hours. They all turned to look at Stede.

"ugh alright, i'll do it.." Stede sighed. 

It had been about 3 hours and they could finally see a ship in the distance. Was is the revenge? They got closer to the ship when they realised..It was the revenge.

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