Chapter 6: Snap

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It had been about a week since Stede was stabbed, no one had seen him besides from Roach who was treating him and Oluwande who was keeping watch over him when Roach wasn't around. They all decided it would be best for both Stede and Edward that they don't meet until Stede was finished a full recovery. Blackbeard was held up in the second smaller cabin deeper into the ship the whole week, Roach also bringing him plates of food and water during the week. Despite him not eating much, Izzy had been by his side the whole time. Convincing him to eat at least take a few bites and drink some water. Ed hasn't talked since, the incident. 

"Edward, please try to take a few bites.." 

There was silence

"I know it's..hard, what your experiencing is, is a lot..but please, we all c-care about you."

There was more silence when Izzy noticed Ed had moved over slightly closer to him and the plate of food in his hand.

"He will be okay..Bonnet, he is *ahem* stronger then he looks"

"Tsk" Ed lets out a small laugh and a smile for a moment before returning his frown.

Izzy sat silently rubbing Ed's back when suddenly...Edward inched closer and closer to him and then leaned him head on his shoulder pursuing a fetal position and hugging Izzy with one arm while slowly and tiredly talking bites of the fresh bread Roach had made. Izzy froze and felt his face start to become warm, this is what he had always wanted but, he just wanted his beloved captain to be happy. Izzy wiped a small tear from his eye and began to speak.

"You two are perfect for eachother.." Izzy began, Ed stopped in his tracks confused.

"You and Bonnet are made for eachother..You and him, no matter what you go through you will always make it back to one another, you are s-soulmates. The two of you will be okay, i know you are trying to punish yourself for stabbing and hurting him but he will forgive you and he will understand that you had your reasons for doing it and...he, uh, he l-loves you." Izzy reassured ed.

Edward's eyes seemed to fill with colour again as he thought of the fact that Stede loves him. 

"You need to eat for him. He n-needs you.." Izzy adds on with a sniffle. "I'll uh, leave you alone now, make sure you eat okay? For Stede.." Izzy left the room hiding his face. 

As Izzy closed the door behind him and immediately burst into tears trying his best to keep as quiet as possible as to not let anyone know. He slowly fell to the ground leaning against the door crying his heart out. Izzy was in so much pain and heartbreak. He has been apart of Blackbeard's crew since the beginning. He had been in love with Blackbeard since the beginning. He had tried his best to keep his best interests in mind, he thought that was him. Now he knows he is bad for him. dead. Edward is here. Izzy is not in love with Ed. He has lost the one and only person he had loved, but gained a loyal friend. Edward, is his best friend.


"Hey Captain, how you doing today?" Oluwande questioned. 

Stede coughed clutching his wound. "Ugh, b-better" 

"It's healing nicely." Roach added.

"C-can i s-see hi-" Stede got cut off.

" know thats not possible until you have fully recovered, as Roach could put pressure on your wound" Oluwande explained.

"But I-I n-need to see him, I...will be fine." Stede replied.

Roach sighed "you should be fully healed in 3 weeks from now"

Stede looked away from Olu and Roach, he seemed as though he was trying to hide the tears forming in his eyes.

"Captain...wait here just a moment. Oluwande come with me" Roach said.

Oluwande confused, followed Roach outside of the small cabin.

"What's up?" Oluwande questioned.

Roach began to re-think what he was about to say. "Let's let Captains see each other".

"W-What? You just said that-"

"I know, common the Captain is miserable, he's strong right?"

"I mean..He's not dead yet.."


Roach and Oluwande decided it would be best to talk to the rest of the crew about this, they are all apart of The Gentlemen Pirate's crew of course. They two of them walked up to the deck where the rest of the crew were all hanging out. They explained their plan and asked them for their input.

"Eye the Captain's stronger then he looks" Button's started.

"Hmm, he's not dead yet i suppose" Jim said as they sharpened their dagger.

"Yes! Let them meet! This is what i've been saying since Stede first got stabbed, they are in love, they NEED to be together!" Lucius exclaimed.

Black Pete nods in agreeance.

"are we sure this is a good idea?" Frenchie questioned. "I mean...Blackbeard nearly killed him, what if he snaps?"  

"He wont." 

Everyone turned around to see Izzy, walking out of the cabin rooms. He looked horrible. Almost as he had been crying for hours. No one replied and just looked at each other in confusion.

"He will not snap." Izzy said firmly.

"How can you be so sure?" Frenchie questioned.

"Never mind that, why would we listen to you!?" Lucius yelled.

"I'm know him the best...B-Besides Stede of course" Izzy coughed.

"What's wrong with your face?" Oluwande said.

Izzy hid his face. "Just trust me. Blackbeard will. not. hurt. Stede." Izzy turned and walked back into the captains cabin.

The crew all decided that it would be best to let the two captains meet. Although they would be giving them their space they will be listening in through the door, not completely but enough to hear any fighting or aggressive behaviour. 

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