2:2 This Year Will Be Different

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This Year Will Be Different
Part 1

This Year Will Be DifferentPart 1————

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"Are you happy?" You said immediately after. "Is everyone happier now?" You questioned, tears coming back to your eyes. You watched as Hope stumbled on her words. In real life she was happy but loosing it without you but even fake Hope didn't know.

You nodded as you bit your lip to hold a sob in, looking away from Hope. "Could you leave me for a minute? I don't really want to cry in front of you, even if you're fake." You stated, shutting your eyes as you heard the whooshing of her leaving. You let tears escape your eyes as a small sob escaped your lips.

After a while of calming down you saw the bus coming so you got up, but just then the bus flipped onto its side and stopped in front of you. You dropped your bag as you watched a monster appear and roar at you. "Oh crap." You said as you stared at it.


You walked through the woods as you followed the trail of purple blood of the monster. You bent down and got a closer look at the blood on the log, as you got a whiff of it your face turned into one of disgusted as it smelled gross. You got up and continued walking but you stopped as you reached Mystic Falls High School.

You walked into the building and continued follow the blood trail. You watched as it went to a doro that said 'Janitorial'. You made sure no one was around as you were about to do a spell. "Dissera Portus." You chanted, but no monster.

As you went to look further inside a voice called from next to you. "Aren't you a little short for a janitor?" A guy questioned. Bit rude to say short. "It's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to hide out on the first day of school." He continued speaking.

You moved to face him. "Oh, no, I-I wasn't hiding. I-I was, um, uh, I was looking for the principal's office." You stumbled on a few words as you lied.

The guy smiled. "Well, you're in luck. I'm new, too, but I'm pretty sure that's him right behind you." He pointed to someone walking up.

You turned around. "Hi." Alaric said, the guy leaving. "I'm Principal Saltzman." He said to you. "Who are you?" He questioned, your breathed became a little heavy as he didn't remember you.


Hope looked through a grimoire as she tried looking for a way to get you back, obviously not having a clue you were already back. When she hit a dead end she threw her pen onto the table. "God!" She yelled as she was bothered.

The Mystery Girl | HOPE MIKAELSON |Where stories live. Discover now