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For the first time ever, you're grateful of your brothers incessant need to take his damn time - he was stood talking to his friends which gave you enough time to head to the car and grab a scarf from the trunk to cover the evidence on your neck since your hair was not there to do the job itself.

There was no hiding the hickeys for long, but it would do for now so Mike didn't ask any questions that you didn't have the lies to respond with right now. 

You wait patiently in the car for Mike to finish up, the memories of the evening flooding your distracted mind and bringing a small smile to your lips. It was the most fun you'd had in a while, fleeting as it was. 

Hands drumming on your window snap you back to reality just as the memories were getting to the good parts and you flush in embarrassment as you turn to find Dustin outside your window. You roll it down with a broad grin, happy to see him. "Damn, look at you, lady-killer!"

He purrs and dramatically swipes a hand over his perfectly styled curls, laughing quietly to himself after. "Thanks! How are you? Your scar looks badass."

"Aww, Dusty, were you worried about me?" You tease, reaching an arm out of the window to bump against his shoulder. "I'm all good, kiddo. Have a good night?"

"Yeah. Nancy danced with me, it was awesome." His grin stretched from ear to ear as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. 

"Oh, a Dustin dance was on the cards? Damn, I regret not offering to help chaperone." 

"Never too late for you, m'lady." He dips into an exaggerated bow, holding out a hand for you to take. You giggle softly at the action, shaking your head at his dramatic behavior. "Save one for me next time. It is way too cold to leave the car right now."

"Hey!" Mike greets as he finally gets into the passenger seat, looking over at you and his friend talking. "Why are you wearing a scarf?"

"Cold." You say plainly, turning the key in the engine to switch the car on before turning back to Dustin, "See you later, man. Be good."

"Never!" He proudly exclaims as he waves you off, running back to his friends as you pull out of the parking lot. You put your music up loud to drown out any questions your brother might have had for you, sinking low into your seat as you drove. "Have a nice time?" 

"Yeah, the best. El was there."

"I saw. Surprised Hopper released the chains for the night." You snort, offering him a quick smile before looking back at the road. "Glad you had a good time though, you kids deserve it."

The remaining few minutes of the drive was spent in a comfortable silence, broken only by the hum of your brakes as you press on them to pull to a stop outside your house. Mike gets out quickly, a pep in his step as he heads for the front door.

It warmed your heart to see him so happy after a good night, finally content now that he knew El was alive and he could be with her. 

You head straight for the bathroom once you get home, body feeling sore and unclean after your evening exploits. Peeling free of your clothes after switching the shower on, you look over yourself in the mirror as the steam from the shower fills the room. You had two noticeable hickies on your neck and a smattering of less successful ones covering your chest, breasts and shoulders. Your makeup was smudged a little and your lips were still puffy from the hungry kisses Billy had laid upon them. You should hate how disheveled you looked, but you didn't. You couldn't. The delicious marks were open reminders of the pleasant evening you'd had. 

When you climb into the shower, the hot water was the perfect salve for your aching flesh and bones, coating your body in an encompassing warmth that relieved any tension in your muscles. 

You wash yourself and head quickly for your bedroom once out, intent on getting dressed before anybody saw you.

It had been a long night and now that you were in your pajamas, your body was exhausted and begging for sleep. Dipping beneath the inviting sheets of your bed, it isn't long before the fatigue takes over, sending you off into sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. 

"(Y/N)?" A small voice drags you straight back out of it and you grumble as you notice a thin line of light streaming in the open door from the hall. "You up?"

It was Nancy, just back from the dance herself. "Just about." You say gruffly, reaching for the small lamp beside your bed and switching it on though you make no effort to get up. You blink the sleep from your eyes as she comes into the room, closing the door behind her and hopping up onto the bed beside you. She was still wearing her pretty dress, though her shoes had been kicked off.

"Did you have fun at the dance? Dustin told me you danced with him." You mumble weakly, lids struggling to stay open as you roll over and blink slowly up at her.

"Yeah, it was so nice. I had a really great time." She bumps her shoulder against you in gesture, grinning down at you, "You should have come."

Your response is just a low grunt, unable to find the energy to form actual words. "Although it looks like you had a pretty great night yourself..." She says, fingertips dipping into the collar of your shirt and pulling it down slightly. You'd forgotten all about it in your tiredness, but were now wide awake as your hand shoots up to cover your neck. "Uhh..." You begin, reaching for any excuse you could and then snorting out a laugh when you had nothing to give, "Shit. Busted."

"Who was it? Oh my God, tell me everything." Her posture had straightened and she was turned to face you, crossing her legs and poking your arm lightly to coax you into opening up.

"Nobody you'd know," You tease, not wanting to divulge your filthy little secret. She'd flip if she knew who it was, so you figure some made-up mystery boy would be far better than the truth. "But it's no biggy. I won't be seeing him again."

"Why not? Not that good?" She wiggles her brows suggestively and you're unable to hide your amusement at it, eliciting a quiet laugh. "The opposite actually." You begin, propping up on an elbow to look at her, attempting to hide the sly smile you were sporting, "He's just... not what I want, I guess."

"And what do you want?" 

"I don't know yet," You shrug, looking at the sheets where your fingers pluck at a loose thread. "But I'm sure I'll find out some day."

This Means War // Billy Hargrove x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now