Chapter 14

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No one had escaped, Rebecca realised after a quick look around Dumbledore's office.  From the oldest to the youngest member, every one of those they had been trying to teach to defend themselves had been caught.

Cedric was in the worst shape, that was certain.  He was between two students of the Inquisitorial Squad in the corner and had to be held up.  Umbridge, with the help of her toadies, had them all in front of the Minister of Magic within the hour.

"I've been watching them for weeks!"  Umbridge explained to Cornelius, practically glowing with pride.  "And look, 'Dumbledore's Army,' exactly what I've been telling you from the very beginning, Cornelius!"

Percy stared at Rebecca, his disapproval muted but clear.  He only looked away from the center of his blame when a low sound--animalistic and defensive--escaped Fred as he yanked his arm free from who was holding him.  He reached for Rebecca and brought her closer to him, making his position clear.

Percy's eyes widened at Fred's expression and he had to look away from his younger brother, rattled.

"All your fear mongering about You-Know-Who never fooled us, not even for a minute."  Umbridge declared, staring up at Dumbledore who looked down at her emotionless.  He had yet to even stand from behind his desk, his work interrupted.  "Nothing but a smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the ministry!"

"Naturally."  Dumbledore intoned, raising an eyebrow.

"No, professor!"  Harry pulled his shoulder out from Crabbe's grip and stepped forward to address Dumbledore's accusers.  "He had nothing to do with this!"

Rebecca tried to step forward too, but Draco's grip on her robes tightened and kept her in place roughly.  "It was us, our idea all along!"

"It was me."  Dumbledore shook his head at the two of them, a glimmer in his eye that was both foreign and recognisable shining.  "Most noble of you both to try and shield me.  But, as it has been pointed out, the parchment clearly says Dumbledore's Army, not Potters' Army."  Dumbledore turned and spoke to the adults in the room.  "I instructed the formation of this organisation and I, I alone, am responsible for its activities."

Cornelius took a triumphant breath, announcing his next orders loudly.  "Dispatch an owl to the Prophet!  If we hurry, we should still make the morning edition.  Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban to away trial for conspiracy and sedition."

"Because you've had such luck keeping people in there recently!"  Fred snapped, pulling against his captors as Rebecca was jerked violently to keep her from making a comment.  He wasn't able to enjoy the way Umbridge's face reddened with anger or how Percy went white in shock, too closely watching for Draco to loosen his hold on his Rebecca.

"Ah," Dumbledore stood and raised a finger, walking around his desk.  "I thought we might hit this little snag.  You seem to be labouring under the delusion that I'm going to--what's the phrase?--Come quietly."  Umbridge stepped closer to the desk.  "I can tell you this: I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this, seize him!"  Umbridge hissed, motioning for Dawlish and Shacklebolt to move forward.

Fawkes let out a screech and launched himself from his perch, hovering over Dumbledore just long enough for the headmaster to raise his hands and clap them above his head.  Dumbledore's departure sent a shockwave of energy through the room, sending more to the floor than not.

"You may not like him, Minister," Shacklebolt spoke as the students around the room made their way back to their feet or were dragged up.  "But you can't deny...Dumbledore's got style."  

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