Chapter 18

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When the last child had fallen asleep, the large room they had been given went quiet.  The adults conversed amongst each other around Sirius' bed and the subject-matter grew more serious as the Order convened.

George patted Fred's back as he stood and stretched.  "I'll tell you what happens."

Fred nodded so that George knew he had heard, but couldn't bring himself to speak.  His eyes stayed on Rebecca and his hand had stayed in hers as well.

"No, this isn't for kids."  Molly pointed for George to go right back to where he had been as he approached.

"That's good.  I'm not a kid."  George planted his feet and looked around the circle of adults, one of them.

Tonks saw this especially--man taking the place of boy.  "Guess that is good then."  Tonks restarted the previous conversation.  "We have to figure out what to do next."  Molly sputtered a moment as no one else fought against George--and subsequently, Fred--joining them.

"Molly, they've left school."  Remus said tiredly.  "They're not returning.  There's nothing else to discuss about that right this second, it's not urgent in comparison."

"Comparison to what?"  Arthur asked, holding Molly's hand tightly.  It pained him as much as it did his wife to see their children as adults, especially as adults at war.

Moody was the only one to break the silence that formed after the question.  "Lestrange was watching."  Faces paled and knuckles went white.  

"When she-"  Molly shook her head, rephrasing her question.  "During that?"

Kingsley nodded.  "The Dark Lord knows by now, we can be certain of it."

George looked between them all as confused as those who had yet put together what everyone was talking about.  "Know what exactly?"

Sirius looked up from his hand in Remus', his eyes haunted.  "He knows that Rebecca brought me back."


Rebecca, not surprisingly, was the last to wake.  Fred's head was sideways and cradled by his elbow, soft breaths leaving his opened mouth as he slept leaning on the side of her bed.  He had only lost the battle to stay away an hour or so before, and he had told himself he would just rest his eyes a moment.

Rebecca tried to sit up further in bed, her eyes adjusting the best they could without her glasses to the bright room she found herself in.

Molly noticed the movement and stood from Ron's bedside, making her way quickly across the room.  "What hurts?"  Molly put a hand on Rebecca's shoulder to keep her from moving any further, afraid that Rebecca was trying to get up.  "No, no.  You're not going anywhere, not yet."

Rebecca leaned back in the bed, leaning against the pillows so she was mostly upright.  "I'm alright."  She managed, trying to sound better than she felt.  Rebecca's body was crying out with every movement like she had been hit by a train.  

Molly have her a sharp look.  "Do not lie to me!"  

Rebecca didn't say anything but she did bring her free hand to the soreness down the side of her face.  Her skin was ridged, eyebrow to cheek in a hook.  She was afraid to see herself, but more afraid of what had happened when her recollection of the night before ended.  "Voldemort, is he-"

"They Ministry is announcing his return."  Molly said, sinking into the seat opposite of Fred.  "All of that can wait, don't make me ask again."  Rebecca brought her hand away from her face and wondered how much she should tell and how much she should hide.  "And don't try to hide anything, I'll know."

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