Chapter 2

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George woke up to a bright rays of sunlight shining throught to the blinds. The sun beautifully reflected a rainbow on the floor of the house. 

George sat up and rubbed his eyes. George putted his hand over to his face to keep the sun from blinding him. He wasn't used to this bright mornings. Also he felt like the sun seemed extremly bright in the mornings.

George sighed and stood up. His back immediately hurted a little, since he has been sleeping on a mattress for the last two weeks. He has been thinking getting a new bed soon, but he just doesn't have time for it.

George walked out of his room straight to the kitchen, wich was only two meters away from the bedroom door. He felt really tired. Maybe a cup of coffee would do the trick?

He walked to the coffee machine, pressed the button and let the coffee drip. George also took quick look in the fridge and sighed as he saw nothing in there. There was just some old carrots. They would mold soon anyway. George closed the fridge, and looked throught the capinets to see if there was anything.

George spotted something that gave him an idea. Flour and salt. He really didn't have anything to eat, so he thought maybe he could made some bread to himself.

He has always liked baking and he is pretty good at it. Back in highschool he used to bake to his parents after school. And sometimes to his friends. But when he didn't hang out with his friends he baked for himself. He thought it would be nice to bake something for someone after a long time.

He got a bowl where he mixed all the incridients. He kneaded the dough by his hand. He didn't like putting his hand in the dough, but it made the dough better, if you kneaded it with your hands.

George quickly washed his hands after he realized the red light had gone out on one side of the coffee maker. He reached up to the top shelf, and took out his favourite mug. It had cat faces on it. His mother had given it to him when he was young.

He walked to the coffee macine and poured coffee to his mug. He also poured some milk to his coffee. He sat down to his table and took a sip of his coffee.

He watched the sun throught the window. Autumn was coming, and with it came the reddish leaves. It was nice to watch them fall from the trees, one or more at a time.

You can see the leaves really well from George's balcony. There is a big oak tree in the yard of the building company. It is atleast 100-year- old tree.

Then George got an idea. George could go watch the leaves fall from the oak tree, instead of sitting inside. Some man told him that oak trees looks most beautiful when it's october. He wasn't lying they actually are really pretty this season.

George walked to the balcony door and
a nice autumn breeze hit him in the face. It was cold outside, but he was gonna stay there just for a while. To let his thoughts take a break. The cold wind felt good. It felt like the wind took the bad thoughts away. Atleast for a while.

He looked down to the building. He saw some people passing by. Some with their dogs, and some just by themselfs. As he watched people passing by, he always thought what other people were thinking. Or what they were feeling right now. He knew it wasn't his business at all, but we can't control our thoughts can we?

George took a moment to realize he had zoned out. How creepy. Imagine you are walking by a building and someone is watching you from their balcony? George decided to stop before making himself look weird. George then realized how tall he now was stood. He took a step backwards, leaving him goosbumbs.

He lived on the sixth floor, apartment 13. There was also a letterbox attached to his door that read "George Davinson". He sometimes felt strange that other people knew where he lived. And he knew where other people lived. He actually really didnt pay attention to his neighbors doors, so maybe other people didn't pay attention to George's door. Hopefully.

George sighed, realizing he is getting a little bit of cold. He turned around to open the door, but something was catched in his side eye. George turned around and saw a cat. It sat quite calmly on the edge of  the balcony fence, watching George in the eyes.

George looked confused. George waved his hand to the direction of the cat, hoping it would jump to the side of the balcony. The cat was in dangerous place, and he didnt want the cat to fall.

The cat turned its head to the deriction of the tree. George still confused did the same. "Do you like the tree?" George suddenly split out. He didn't expect the cat speak perfect English, so he wasn't surprised when there was no respond. Not even a little meow.

George leaned his hand on the fence and looked at the cat again. "Not even a cat is talking to me" He thought. "Am i really so lonely that im talking to cats now"

Suddenly a strong gust of wind hit George in the face, sending his hair flying in front of his face.

George quickly grapped his hair and tossed it back to the side. He looked back to right to see if the cat was still there, but the same second the cat jumped off the fence and went inside.

George was alone now. He somehow enjoyed the cats presence, and now felt weird because of it. I think that is the sign of getting a friend. He really needed a friend. If a cat being around makes him feel better, then a good friend would be nice.

He wasn't even try to lie to himself anymore. Now he felt like hard rock hit him on the head. He felt kind of stupid thinking that you dont need friends to survive.

He realized he was getting really cold, and that now is the time to go inside. He  opened the balcony door, and before stepping inside he looked back at the tree.

"Tell me something soon" George said and closed the door.


Sorry im late publishing thia chapter. The next chapter hopefully will come next week, if i have time to write:) I got school to work with so it can take some time❤️

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