Master of Grievers

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Master of Grievers
If there was one thing Owen didn't tell the others, was that the Grievers never came back to the clearing for a reason, that reason being him.
But he cant hide it forever...

Squidney is alive there, apo is in the prision

None's POV:

Oeca had been thinking of something for a while, since the griever incident happened, why didn't it come back?
Sure, it didn't find anyone, but it sure knew that there was people here, why did it leave?

Guts had also the same questions, but a little extra one, why did the creature not attack owen?
They remmenbered Owen talking to the creatue like nothing ever happened
Guts was scared by the creature sounds upstairs, and sure wanted to just silence it for once and for all, Owen did not fail to notice and said
"Hey, do you want to hear some music?"
"What d- I mean, sure?"
Owen pulled out his flute and started to play it, it was messy, and sure not perfect, but it helped, after some time of owen playing the noises stoped and so did owen
"I am going to see if everything is fine for us to go out, hide in here till I come back"
"Alright, be carefull Owen"
"I will"
So owen got out, Guts was worried thought, they didn't know if Owen could handle such creature, so they followed Owen.

For their suprise, Guts saw owen standing in front of the creature, first, they thought that it was going to kill Owen, but then heard
"You all cant attack this place, you could hurt someone!"
The creature did some strange sounds
"I know you where just cheking if this was in fact my clearing, now you know"
Some more noises
"That is a good plan, just don't come here next time"
"I wont tell them, they will think that I put us here, and I don't that"
"Alright, goodbye, try not to make a mess getting out"
"I will go there when I can"

Guts saw the creature start to move back into the maze and runned back into the bunker.
They did not want to question Owen about that, at least not now
End of Flashback

Oeca had started a meeting regarding what happend to squiney, the clearing two, and if they where going to do something to protect the clearing

Owen was late thought, but they all just presumed that it was nothing, mabey he was only sleeping?
None was sure

Well everyone expect apo and magic, they were getting horried, but they could not delay it any longer

(New format of writing because it is a meeting)

Oeca: We all know that it was apo to do that to the clearing two, and while it was me that was the suspect of killing moehwee, you all tried to assassinate me! But to apo, you all just lock him away!

Ori: Look, we have nothing that points that it was the leaver to do that to clearing two, it released a monster but we cant be sure if it was what happend to clearing 2

Bek: I as in my theater, it is impossible that it wasn't the creature, I saw it!

Magic: It was infact trying to catch us when we found this place...But I am not saying that apo is the culprit!

Guts: Just because it was apo to pull the leaver it doesn't mean he deserves to be killed, we evolved since that Oeca

Greacie: Guts is right, and it could have been any of use to pull it, sooner or later

Krow: It still killed our friends! Are really just going to leave him there?! Safe in the prision?!

Soup: Krow, calm down... But krow does have a point... It killed our friends.

Oeca: It is impossible that it was not apos fault! He should pay for his actions!

Squidney: He left me behind aswell!

Ori: I think we should let clearing 2 decide, they where the most affected by apos actions

Soup: Magic what do you think?

Magic: I-I don't k-know

Bek: Lets end this once and for all!
Bek pulls a knife

???: STOP!

They all look behind, Owen stod there, running to them

Owen: It was not apo!

Bek: What do you mean?! It was him!

Owen: Don't put the blame on him when it was YOU TO KILL THEM ALL!

Greacie: What do you mean?

Oeca: You get here late and say that bek was the murder?! YOU HAVE NO OPINION ON THIS!

Owen: Yes I do! I am still the leader of the runners!

Oeca: Oh yeah?! Then what are you doing to prevent the monster to come back?! TELL US OWEN

Owen: They told me! I know what happened!

Rasby: Who? Who are they owen?

Guts: The grievers...

Ori: What was that?

Guts: Owen... I saw you talking to that monster the time. You can talk to the grievers, cant you? That is why they didn't come back.

Apo: You can talk to them?

Owen: T-that...! That is true...

Bek: Then we cant trust you aswell! Mabey you where one of the ones that put us here!

Apo: don't turn it on owen now!

Magic: Is it true? Y-you killed t-them?

Beks stays sillent

Magic: B-Beks?

Bek: ALRIGHT! It is true... I am sorry magic, but I had to!

Anygel: W-why!? Our friends!

Bek: Lets start the show...

Has beks says that, the campfire explodes, she tries to run to the maze, everyone running behind

Owen: NOW!

Has he says that, a big griever comes out of the corner, stoping beks in her tracks

Owen: You are out of luck...

If you have more ideas for either continue this one or other ones I would love to hear!
But I wont do puddy killing or lemon.
Remenber that I watched only Owens pov

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