chapter 10

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Previously on Love and Literature....

You have one new message....

Hello this is Dr. Alaysia Washington from Lincoln hospital. There seems to be a problem with LilyAnn..... and Chresanto


There seems to be a problem with the blood sample. I would like for Chresanto come in tomorrow and we will run a few tests. And just a clarification, I did give the the sample to LilyAnn and she'll be fine for a little while. If there are any concerns, please call me and we can further discuss the matter. Thank you, bye.

The room grew silent as Jacob and Chresanto looked at each other. Tony didn't want to intrude so he told the two he'd be sitting in the living room.

Jacob: what you think she means by problem?

Chresanto: I don't know, but I don't really want to talk about it now

Jacob:okay. Well I'll just go take Tony home. Wanna come?

Chresanto: sure

They took Tony home and told his mama what happened. Mama Perez was relieved that he was still alive since he obviously didn't come home from school. But that was out the way and it was soon time to go back to their home.

Chresanto: baby?

Jacob: yeah

Chresanto: what do you think will happen when I really die and I leave you here?

Jacob:I don't really know. I would say a funeral, but you already had one, but I'll probably have you put in a family mausoleum, where I'll meet you in time. Why?

Chresanto: I'm just asking. This whole dead thing just won't get out my head. It just loves to mess with my mind

Jacob: don't worry honey we can and will get it straightened out

Chresanto: are you sure?

Jacob: yes. Now you just don't let it bother you. Remember baby I'm here to hold your hands when times get rough

Chresanto: thanks Jacob

The next day, Jacob woke up and let Chresanto sleep in a few extra minutes before having to get him ready for the hospital appointment with Ms. Washington. Everything was ready for the day, clothing, breakfast, even the day itself. All they had to do was step into it.

Chresanto: morning bae

Jacobg morning. Breakfast is on the table

When they were ready to go, they got in the car and left. The car ride was quiet and the air was thick as they entered LilyAnn's room. She was sleeping like an angel. Chresanto found a sheet of paper and wrote a note on it and drew a cute butterfly on it, then passed it to Jacob who did the same.

Alaysia: good morning you two

They both looked down the hall and saw that she was heading towards them. She lead them into the lounge and sat them down.

Alaysia: feel free to help yourself to coffee and donuts if you please

Jacob: thank you. Now what did you see want to speak to us about?

Alaysia: well as you know Chresanto donated blood for LilyAnn. But we ran a test on the blood and it came up negative for beta Thalassemia minor. Now I'm not implying but just advising that Chresanto may not be her father.

Chresanto: but I am her father

Alaysia: in order for her to have Cooley's Anemia, she needs two lines of beta Thalassemia minor to create a major case. Your blood says it's negative for it in any way

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