Chapter Twelve

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   The castle was huge and magnificent compared to Castle Redmont. They road in through the gates, and Ena felt herself become really small. She glanced over at George, who was beaming at the sight. Ena didn't like the overwhelming feeling of the grand castle. She'd prefer to be back in her little closet in the horse school. The fourth years seemed rather excited as well as they neared the stables. After dismounting, they all led their horses into the stables, allowing the stable boys to led them to open stalls.

"You must be the boys from Redmont." A overly perky voice asked. They turned around to find a cheerful looking man smiling at them. "My name is Jensen, and I'm to show you around the castle." He scanned through the group and his eyes finally landed on Ena.

"Run along you, don't you have work to be doing in the castle?" He asked. Ena rose an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" She asked. He was about to speak again when a voice startled him.

"Jensen, she is here as the princesses guest, so I'd back off if I were you." The new voice was feminine, but still had some authority.

"Really?" Jensen asked, his face going pale.

"Yes, now if you'd excuse us, I must take her back to the princess." The girl had a mass of red hair and a kind face. She walked up to Ena and gripped her arm, leaning over to her.

"Play along." She hissed in her ear.

"I'm sorry, Miss. I mistook you for a maid." Jensen said. Ena eyed the girl, who indicated for her to look more formal.

"I trust you won't make the same mistake again, Jensen." Ena said. George and Malvin glanced at her in confusion.

"Come along miss. Princess Cassandra has been worried sick." The girl tugged Ena towards the door, and all Ena could do was giving George and Malvin a reassuring smile before they were lost from sight. The second they were no longer in sight, the girl burst out laughing, doubling over on her knees.

"The look on Jensens face!" She exclaimed between laughs. After a minute she settled down and stood up straight, smiling and holding out her hand to Ena. "My name is Evanlyn. I'm Princess Cassandra's personal maid. And you are?" She questioned. Ena took her hand, shaking it in greeting.

"Ena. I'm from the Redmont Horse school." She announced. Evanlyn rose an eyebrow.

"Horse school. That's amazing! Come on, I'm sure my lady would love to meet you." Ena felt her heart start to pound. Was it simply chance she ran into the princesses personal maid?

"No, I shouldn't bother her." Ena said. Evanlyn rolled her eyes.

"Cassandra is my best friend. I know her schedule, which consists of nothing and nothing. You'll be some excitement in her life." Evanlyn said. Ena bit her lip.

"Well, if you insist." She teased. Evanlyn smile grew and she pulled Ena towards the massive castle.


The court yard is where Evanlyn led Ena. Ena noticed a lonely figure in the distance, walking around the fountains in the yard.

"Milady!" Evanlyn called. The Princesses face lit up with a smile as she saw her maid.

"Company, Evanlyn?" The princess asked. As Ena and Evanlyn approached the princess, they both bowed their heads.

"This is Ena, Miss. She's from the Redmont Horse School. Ena, this is Princess Cassandra." Evanlyn introduced them. Cassandra smiled at Ena.

"Horse school?" Ena nodded.

"Yes, your highness." Ena said. Cassandra rolled her eyes.

"Please call me Cassandra, it's nice to occasionally hear my name." She said. "How did you and Evanlyn meet?"

"I ran into her only a few minutes ago, milady. Jensen was questioning her. He thought she was a maid." Evanlyn answered. "I told him to back off because she was your guest." Cassandra rose an eyebrow.

"Well alright. I guess you're my guest. Let's get you ready then." Confused, Ena glanced between Evanlyn and Cassandra.

"Ready for what?" They both started chuckling, which made Ena suddenly nervous.

"Come along, Ena." Evanlyn said pulling on her arm.


Malvin and George spent the next two hours searching the castle high and low for Ena. After the maid whisked her away, they began to worry. Jensen explained the rules of them staying in the castle for a few days, and The two of them weren't really listening.

"Where could she be?" George asked Malvin again.

"I don't know. We've searched all the places we're allowed to be. The only place we haven't looked is the private wing, where the royals have their private quarter's." George bit his lip. He knew he needed to do the right thing and keep the rules of being in the castle. They were not allowed near that wing. But he pushed the rules out of his mind. He needed to find Ena.

"Let's go then." Malvin didn't object. He led the scribe student up to the private wing. They were careful to watch for anyone looking as they slipped down the corridors. Passing by a door, Malvin froze. He could hear a muffled voice.

"I hate it!" The voice said.

"Was that Ena?" George hissed. Malvin nodded. He hesitantly knocked on the door, and perky red headed maid opened it up.

"Who are you?" She asked. George was ready to answer when he saw a flash of pink and felt someone hugging him. He glanced down to find Ena, with her hair done up in an intricate braid, her face was dusted with glitter, and in a pink dress, fit for a princess.

"George! Malvin! You've come to rescue me!" She squealed. Still slightly in shock from seeing Ena in the dress, George nodded slightly.

"What did they do to you, En?" Malvin asked. She stepped back and the boy's were able to get a better view of her.

"You look stunning, Ena." George managed to awkwardly cough out. Ena blushed and diverted her gaze from them.

"That's what I said too, but she doesn't believe me." Cassandra's voice startled the boys. "You must be Ena's friends?" They both bowed their heads in her direction. George glanced at Ena, his eyes wide and gestured to the princess standing before them.

"Yes, Your highness." Malvin said.

"Why is she all dressed up?" George asked. Cassandra smiled at him, and Ena wrapped her arm around George's.

"Well if she's to join me and my father at dinner tonight, she can't wear trousers."


I don't know how I feel about this chapter. Obviously we don't meet the true Evanlyn in the RA books, so I kinda had to make her up all the same.

  Please comment and vote! Tell me what you think about Cassandra and Evanlyn. I thought George and Malvin's reactions to Ena in a dress was pretty funny too. Anyway, love you all! Thanks so much for all the support on this book!

And for those of you still waiting on Morgarath's daughter, I probably won't update till the end of school, which is in a month, so don't panic. But be warned it might be a while. I need time to re-read The Icebound Land before I write anymore. I'm not comfortable with my memory on that book.
Alright, I'll stop talking now. Bye!


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