Chapter Fifteen

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      Ena dressed in her best pair of trousers and a clean shirt the next morning after caring for the horses. Even though it was a holiday, the horses still had to be cared for. They were first priority.

     She braided her hair back and made sure each strand was straight. She wanted to prove to her ward mates today that she could handle the stress of Horse school. George knew, but Ena saw Alyss doubted her.

"Heading out to the fair, Ena?" Ulf's voice asked as she walked down the corridor. She turned to see her master.

"No sir. I'm off to see my ward mates. We agreed to meet up." She explained. Ulf nodded.

"Good. Spend some time with them. Stay out of trouble, Ena." He said. She smirked.

"Of course." He glared at her as she smirked.

"I mean it, Ena."

"Yes sir." She said.

"Off you go then." He dismissed her. She ran out of the school. She was late as it was.

   When Ena finally reached the apple tree they agreed to meet at, she caught sight of Alyss, Jenny and George. After close observation, she was finally able to make out the blurry form of Will. Horace was missing though. Alyss, Jenny and George had yet to catch sight of her, though Will had. He gave her a feint smile, but she didn't return it.

"Where's Horace?" She asked, startling those who hadn't seen her. Will shrugged.

"We figured he'd come with you." George said recovering from his shock.

"The battle school is empty." She said, raising an eyebrow. The others didn't seem so concerned, but Ena felt like she knew where he was. "I'm going to go find him. Save me a pie." She said as she saw the others dividing up the mince pies.

"Of course." Jenny said, tucking away a pie for Ena and Horace. Before she turned to leave, Will ran up to her and embraced her tightly.

"It's great to see you, Ena." He said smiling. She finally returned the smile.

"As to you. We must catch up once I'm back." She said. He nodded and returned to his spot under the tree. She waved farewell and ran down the slight hill towards the Battle school and Horse school.

On the way to the Battle school, Horace limped along the trail towards the apple tree. Ena caught up with him and rushed to his side.

"What happened?" She asked, her voice full of worry.

"Bryn, Alda and Jerome." He muttered. She had recently learnt the names of the three second year cadets who constantly pestered Horace.

"What did they do?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter now. Let's go join the others." He said sleepily.

"You need to go back and rest, Horace." She insisted. His eyes widened.

"No! They will be there!" He said in a panic. Ena sighed.

"Fine, but you need to tell Sir Rodney about them soon." She said. He was silent, so she figured he was absorbing her statement.

"Come on." He said gruffly. Ena wrapped an arm around his waist to help him stand up right. He responded by leaning on her shoulder. "Thanks." He mumbled. As they approached the meeting spot, he pulled away from her. She knew he wouldn't want to look weak, especially in front of Will. Even hugging Will for a moment, Ena could tell he had gained some muscle over the past three months they hadn't seen him. Will would be a threat to Horace, and she felt scared to let go of Horace, in fear of him starting a fight.

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