Prologue (0.5)

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(A/N) Ya like Beanbre?
Image is not mine.


*Rainbow Pov*
      Sabre used to be a bean.

     He would not attack the darkness with a sword. He even gave one a flower! It was weird for everyone involved. The Orange Leader was confused, Shy(now light) was confused, The Darkness was confused, I was confused. It was confusing.

     Anyways, he started getting jumpy with lightning after the first attack. We brushed it off, he was probably just on edge.
     I'm going to surprise him!

*Sabre's Pov*

     I was sitting by a stream in the woods. It was peaceful. I heard the grass rustle. I tense up a lil bit.

     Someone's hands come around Sabre's neck.

     I bit down as hard as I could on the hands. No darkness would come for me today! I heard a yowl of pain. What? Maybe it was Void! I tensed up. He was not kidnapping me today! I tasted a metallic liquid. "Sabre, let go!" A concerned voice shouted. It was familiar, so I stopped biting, but I was still tense.


     I hugged Sabre's neck, not too tight. A burst of pain went through my hand. I screamed in pain. What in the world beyond? "Sabre, let go!" I shouted.  I removed my hand from his mouth. I smelled something metallic I hope my hand didn't hurt him. I inspect my hand to see a red liquid pouring out, and something white sticking out. Blood, and was that bone sticking out?! I nearly threw up. Oh my origin!
     "What in the world, Sabre?!?" I shakily shouted. "Holy,... Rainbow?" He replied, clearly confused.

*I'ma write this Convo like this now*

"What in origin?!"🌈
"Rainbow, are you okay?"🐔
"What the- We're going to have to see the Green Steves for this!"
"I'm so sorry, you scared me!"
"Let's go see the Green Steves, we'll talk about this later."

The pair went into the Green portal, after Rainbow opened it.

Sabre looked at the amount of blood pouring from Rainbow's hand
"Let's see the leader, this is bad!" Our favorite chicken man said. So we went to the leader,(earning hella concerned Green Steve looks) and Sabre quickly knocked on the door.

*Green Leader's pov*

I was sitting on my throne, when I heard knocking. I was a bit concerned whoever was knocking was going to give themselves whiplash. I opened my door to The Hero and Sabre. I was confused. Why was Sabre knocking so hard? Is there a dent in my door? I just got that replaced! I hear dripping, and smell blood. Oh Origin! "What happened? Who's hurt?" I frantically ask. "Long story short, uhh... don't sneak up on Sabre." The Hero replied.  What in Origin happened? Sabre looked down a bit shamefully. "Where does it hurt?" I asked, not noticing both of the Hero's hands covered in blood.

The Hero lifted his hands, the blood pouring out into my hardwood floors. He then proceeded to pass out. "Dear Origin!" I got Rainbow to a medical room to work on cleaning the blood right away. Sabre was making worried chicken noises whilst pacing a hole in my floor. "That is my new hardwood floor, stop pacing." I shout. *Clucking intensifies, but pacing stops*

*Sabre's pov*

Rainbow passed out at the Green Leader's door. I started to freak out. I started pacing.
"That is my new hardwood floor, stop pacing." I heard someone shout. I stop pacing. My breathing started to speed up. I slumped over onto the floor.

*Proceeds to have panic attack*

-*- Time skip -*-

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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