47: It Only Seems Kinky At First

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A/N: I drew Ace


This is some fucking bullshit.

Yesterday, Crowley had asked a favor for you and Grim. Well, no. That would be painting Crowley in a good light. What he did was bring up the fact that the living expenses you and Grim were piling up ever since you moved into the dorm.

It's fucking bullshit! Crowley told you that you wouldn't have to fucking worry about that the night you got here! The other fucking students didn't have to worry about it, why were you two the only exceptions?!

That's also the fucking reason why you got a job in the first place, now he was just reminding you how much debt you were going to be in after this is all said and done!


According to the bitch-ass headmaster, there's been numerous counts of students being hurt on campus recently (and you immediately thought of Jamil), and he wanted you and Grim to investigate. Grim thought it to be the students having clumsy accidents, but Crowley said that coincidentally, those students were players for the Magift tournament.

There's no evidence of it to be from outside interference, though. According to witnesses, it looked like carelessness.

Grim, the mad lad, was not a least bit interested in whatever was happening. That didn't matter much to you, since you were going to investigate anyway thanks to Crowley making you feel fucking guilty just for living. However, what the headmaster said next is what Grim on board.

"I had already agreed to [Y/n] that if you could find seven players, then I'd allow for you to join, but they must be students of this school. But what if I allowed you to find willing participants from outside the school? Maybe I could convince a few staff as well." Crowley smiled wide, "What do you say to that? Surely you're dazzled by my altruism?"

You're not sure what Crowley thinks of you? "People outside the school"? Does he think you have connections?? Well, he wouldn't be wrong to assume that in your ORIGINAL world, but you haven't built that network yet here in Twisted Wonderland.

Now it was Friday after school, and instead of going to the Mystery Shop, you went straight to the dorm with Grim and Tinkerbell.

"And that's basically what happened," You grumble to Tinkerbell, cheeks round with the banana you were eating. "Why did he have to shove his bitch work on me? Can he really not be bothered to investigate the well-being of his own students?"

The blonde fairy could only sit and listen with a sympathetic expression. He already heard most of this yesterday since he was listening to the conversation in secret, but you look like you needed to rant anyway.

"And get this. He already told Sam ahead of time that I wouldn't be working today because he wanted me to do important work as a dorm leader," You roll your eyes, "That's an entire fucking day out of my paycheck."

"I was wondering why you just went straight back here after school let out. You didn't even let Deuce walk with you today, either." Tinkerbell nods in better understanding.

"I felt bad, but I told him I didn't want to bum him out even more with my mood because of Crowley. He was pretty understanding about it."

"I'm sorry to hear all that, [Y/n]. Ah, I wish I could somehow do the investigation for you so you didn't have to be bothered with it," Tinkerbell frowns deeply, "What are your thoughts on everything that you know so far?"

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