*96: What a Lie, What a Lie, What a Lie

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You almost want to just go back to sleep immediately. You start to writhe in pain, but you don't have the freedom to move. You don't know what it was, but you were being restrained down.

In the dark places of your mind, you feel a sickening sense of deja vu and you start to panic. Why are you being held down? Don't they know you're in too much pain to hurt anyone? You can't hurt anyone, you promise. You can still be trusted, they can let you go-

"Hey, hey, hey. Open your eyes, [Y/n], open your eyes."

Someone's hand cups your cheek, stroking their thumb back and forth.

Upon recognizing that voice-the one you've desperately been trying to hear for a while-you open your eyes and blink rapidly for a moment. Pink hair and pink ears is what you see first. As your vision clears up, you can recognize his sad smile and beautiful blue eyes.

"Venus..." You wheeze through the pain, "You're-You're okay... You're okay."

He nods, his smile growing a little more, "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm sorry I worried you. Everything's fine now."

"I-I broke my leg," Your eyes start to water again, "It hurts-it hurts-it hurts-"

"-I know. It's going to be okay, I'm already healing it," He smiles, "The pain is going to linger for a while, but it's going to be okay, alright, my love?"

"I can't move, Venus," You cry a bit pathetically, "Why can't I move? Did I do something wrong?"

Because TInkerbell isn't done fixing you yet. And we can't let you see what happened to Xingque no matter what.

"No, no of course not, love. I-I'm not done healing you quit yet. If you move too much, you might hurt yourself again," Venus quickly lies, keeping his hand on your face so that you can't look anywhere else.

"Where-Where is everyone else? What ha-happened?"

"Crewel has left to take everyone else back to the school, but he'll be back soon, okay?" The fox envoy says, then he thinks back on what all went down, "Let's see... Ah, when I was still in your body, Xingque attempted to casted a weird spell on you."

"I didn't have time to move out of the way or to counter it, so I redirected the spell to your necklace. But just in case anything were to happen, I removed the necklace from your body, but when I did that, I was suddenly sealed inside of it."

"I didn't have enough power to get out on my own, but somehow I found myself with Crewel. After I um, ahem, borrowed some of his magic, I was able to free myself." The pink haired man nods, finished with his explanation.

Oh, wow. So the crows from before actually managed to take your magestone to Crewel. That's... actually pretty impressive.

Subconsciously, listening to Venus talk helped you calm down considerably. And the more you relaxed, the less pain you were feeling, and the less moving around you did. You started to considerably calm down, and it must've shown on your face or something because Venus sighs in relief, closing his eyes with a bittersweet smile.

"Everyone is okay, my love. You're okay, too," Venus opens his eyes again, "Are you still in any pain?"

You shake your head.

"Okay, I'm glad. Haa... I really am sorry for worrying you. It really hurt hearing you call my name over and over," He furrows his brows as his eyes begin to get glossy from unshed tears, "You were in so much pain, and I couldn't do anything."

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