Day 27: Click

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Changhui Han's head shot up at the sound. "What was that?"

"What was what?" Gijoo asked.


"There it is again," Changhui said.


"It's a clicking sound," 

"Changhui," Joowon told him. "We don't hear anything,"


"Are you guys deaf!?" Changhui snapped. "The clicking sound is as clear as day!"


"Okay," Joowon said. "Describe the sound,"


"It sounds like...someone taking a screenshot on their phone?" Changhui furrowed his brows. "Like a camera shutter,"

"Are you sure you're alright?" Joowon frowned. "You're the only one that's hearing that. You should go home and rest. You're probably stressed out,"


"Alright, I'll leave everything to you then, Joowon," Changhui agreed.

As Changhui made his way home and went about the rest of the day, he still heard the clicking sound. But with each click, the sound grew fader and fader until he no longer heard it. Satisfied, he was able to properly rest and then return to work the next day.

The explanation of the clicking sound is that Changhui was starting to become slightly aware of the fourth wall and was hearing people taking screenshots of panels with him in it.

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