Getting rid of a pest

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Ciel was in pain. Utter pain.

His hips ached, his back was killing him, and his ass was painful to sit on.

"Ciel please focus," Sebastian snapped at him, getting his attention back to the algebra problem in front of him.
"You might be an earl, but you still must be educated".

"How can i focus if my bottom feels like it was impaled!" Ciel growled.

The loud smack of a ruler against the wooden desk ran through the air.

"Don't make me angry ciel, you know i couldn't leave you unpunished when you let that... That.."

"LIZZIE!" Ciel yelled angrily.

"Yes.. "Lizzie" kiss you," Sebastian muttered with spite and disgust.

"Don't talk about her like that," Ciel muttered with anger.

"She's nothing but an obstacle in our way, Ciel," Sebastian said, writing down some more algebra equations on the chalk board.

Ciel was angry. He was furious with the blinding white rage that one could only describe as extreme hatred.

"DON'T TALK ABOUT HER THAT WAY!" He screamed, causing Sebastian to turn around, one eyebrow raised slightly. Sebastian chuckles and tsked.

"Oh dear, you do love her."

Ciel cooled down enough to evaluate his surroundings. "W-what?"

"Elizabeth. You have feelings for her," Sebastian said, tilting his head to the side.

"Of course i don't! She's family practically! I care for her!"

Sebastian sighed. "I honestly didn't want to do this. But i wasn't aware that she would be a problem". The demon took off his glasses and rolled his gloves off, showing the now faded contract on his right hand, and the recent contract on his left.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Please know Ciel.. What i do is out of love." And with that Sebastian jumped out the window and with his demon speed, he raced towards Elizabeth's house.

At Elizabeth's house~

Elizabeth walked into her bedroom, only to see the black clad demon on the her.

"S-sebastian!?! What-what are you doing here?"

"Hello Lady Midford, i am here to address the situation of My lord?"

Elizabeth backed out slowly, wanting to turn around and run to get someone. Anyone!

But her attempt to escape was foiled by one flick of the demon's hand. The door closed and locked, making her escape impossible.

"What do you want sebastian!?"

"Well.. It seems to me that you are in the way of our.. Happiness"

"H-happiness?" She stammered, not being able to control her shaking legs.

With a snap of his fingers, the shades closed, leaving the room wrapped in a blanket of darkness.
Elizabeth could only hear three things.

1) her own heavy breathing
2) her heart beating rapidly
3) footsteps

"Ciel would hate me if he found out what i was really planning to do to you," Sebastian's voice echoed and reverberated through the room.

"Please sebastian! You're scaring me!" Elizabeth felt two hands on her shoulders. She whipped around so fast that she felt as if she gave herself whiplash.

"No, no Ciel would be absolutely furious if he found out that i planned to rip off your little blond head, letting you bleed out as your still functioning eyes watched your severed body twitch"

Elizabeth gasped and fought against the hands that trapped her. She was then pressed against a body.

"Oh no, i mustn't although i want to. But you do realize that Ciel is my love. And will never love you back, yes?"

Elizabeth began to sob, hoping that someone would hear her cries of fear. Suddenly, the cold voice was right next to her ear.

"No, i cannot kill you.. But i can put you to sleep," Sebastian whispered. He kissed her forehead, and like that, Elizabeth's cries stopped.

The girl fell limp in Sebastian's arms.

The demon smirked and tsked. "Humans are truly weak creatures," he muttered as he carried her to the bed. He laid her down to make her appear she was "sleeping". Which she technically was.

"ELIZABETH!? ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" A voice screamed from outside the room, the doorknob jiggling and pounding on the wooden door.

Sebastian sighed, "humans are truly stupid".

When Paula, Elizabeth's maid finally got inside, the room was empty except for the sleeping Elizabeth. Paula walked up to the girl and tried to shake her awake.

"MISTRESS?" Paula cried, taking her pulse which was still beating. "WHY WON'T YOU WAKE UP?" Paula collapsed onto her chest, sobbing into her nightgown. Her puffy eyes looked up and saw that a black feather was laying on the pillow next to her now eternally asleep mistress.


When Sebastian got back to the manor, he went to see his love.

"Dear, i'm home!" He joked.

Ciel ran up to him and slapped him across the cheek.


Sebastian smirked. "Well, she's not an issue anymore. I did not kill her if that's what you're asking."

Ciel felt angry tears running down his face. He then felt two hands on his waist.

"Aww my love, don't fret. She's not going to get in the way anymore" Sebastian smiled, hugging Ciel's waist.

Ciel angrily broke away from his grasp.
"SHE WAS NEVER IN THE WAY! I HATE YOU SEBASTIAN!" He screamed, running out of the room.

Sebastian sighed and tsked. "Oh Ciel, i'm doing this for you? Don't you see that?"

That night was a quiet one. Ciel refused to even look at Sebastian. His dear Lizzie was in practically dead anyways!

Sebastian laid down and wrapped his arms around Ciel's waist, nuzzling his head into the Earl's neck.

Ciel wasn't hugging back.

"Are you still upset?"

There was silence.

"This little tantrum is childish Ciel"


Sebastian sat up and rubbed his temples. "I can make it so you even forget about her.. Why haven't i done that in the first place?"
Sebastian grabbed Ciel's arm and kissed him deeply.

There was electricity between them, a fire that couldn't be extinguished. Even Ciel hated to admit he loved Sebastian's kisses. But something felt wrong. Empty almost. He pulled back and let the line of saliva between their lips drip down their chins.

"Wh-what were we fighting about again?" Ciel asked.

Sebastian smiled sweetly. "Nothing dear, you're tired. Go to bed".

Ciel yawned and nodded. "Yes Sebastian," he said, curling back up into the demon's chest.

Sebastian's grin curled onto his lips. He played with the tips of Ciel's hair and kissed his little head.

"That was easier than expected".

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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