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Ciel's head whipped around, only to see his butler straight infront of him.

Sebastian tilted his head to the side. "Is something wrong, my lord?"

Ciel couldn't talk, he only was able to shake his head no. Sebastian let out a toothy smile. "Alright bocchan, we have a new mission on our hands," sebastian smiled, holding up a small, white envelope.
On the front of the envelope was a red wax seal, dawned with the royal mark.

Ciel snatched it out of Sebastian's hand and tore it open, reading the single blank sheet.
Ciel looked up. "Get my coat and cane," he muttered and walked out of the room.

"Of course my lord," Sebastian smiled and leaned his body forward.
Once Ciel left the room, his smile faltered and he went to the loose floorboard. Picking up the notebook, Sebastian's devilish smirk returned.

"The prey has noticed the predator," he muttered to himself and pocketed the notebook.

Sebastian quickly got Ciel's coat and cane, escorting the young Earl down the stairs and into the horse drawn carriage that was waiting outside.

The ride continued in silence. Ciel played with the ring on his finger, cornered into the farthest point from Sebastian he could get. He looked down at his sapphire ring and slowly began to lose himself in thought. Sebastian loved him? No that didn't make sense. Demons cannot love, nor can they feel emotion. Then what was all that about killing someone who touched him? And watching Ciel in his sleep?

"Is something wrong?" Sebastian whispered in Ciel's ear, causing him to jump slightly.

"No, stop asking," Ciel muttered.

"Yes my lord,"

As they neared the palace, Ciel made himself more presentable then he already was. Sebastian got out first and opened the carriage door for Ciel, holding out a hand for him.
And together, they entered the palace.

"Presenting, Earl Ciel Phantomhive and his butler, Sebastian Michaelis" a royal attendant said in a clear tone.

The queen adored Ciel, like a son of her own. But most people called him "the queen's guard dog".

"Hello Earl, mr michaelis," she said, causing both boys to bow in her presents.

"Your majesty," they both said at the same time.
"We came as soon as we got your letter," Ciel said.

"Correct, a new murder is in London. Here is some pictures from the crime scenes," she said and passed them to Ciel and sebastian.

"Each victim was from the ages 10 to 16. They range from boys to girls. Each victim was what seemed to be raped, stabbed and then positioned to look as if they were sleeping," the queen said.

Sebastian looked at the pictures first. There were three. Two boys and one girl. Each had ejaculation dripping from the rectum and their puncture wounds caused their blood to pool around them. But the queen was correct, they all looked as if they were merely sleeping.

"Let me see them sebastian," Ciel scowled.

"this is a bit too gruesome for you to see," he said, pocketing the pictures.

"Do we have any suspects?" Ciel asked.

"Yes, each victim had a symbol burned into their thigh. A crest almost," she said.

Ciel somewhat stiffened. Memories flooded back to him. When he was used as a ritual sacrifice, he was burned with a symbol on his back.

Sebastian's eyes flickered over to Ciel who looked uneasy. Sebastian took Ciel's waist and pulled him slightly closer, rubbing the boy's side as a way to calm him.
Ciel blushed and brushed off Sebastian's hand, moving farther away from him.

"Is that all?" Sebastian asked.

"For now. I shall inform you if Scotland
Yard finds anything else out." The queen said.

And that concluded their meeting.
By the time they got back to the manor, it was almost supper time.
Sebastian went to the kitchen to make dinner as Ciel went to his study, going over the factors of the murders.

As Ciel ate, he looked at the pictures. Dead bodies didn't faze him anymore. That's horrible to say for someone who is 13.

Once again, Sebastian walked in.
"It's time to sleep my lord,"

With a yawn, Ciel got up and walked past Sebastian, strolling into his bedroom. Sebastian followed and changed Ciel into pajamas. Reaching behind Ciel's head, Sebastian untied the black eyepatch and set it down on the table next to them.

Ciel's beautiful eyes came into full view. Sebastian couldn't held but stare for a second, running one hand down Ciel's cheek.
Snapping out of his daze, sebastian tucked ciel in, picking up the candle that lit the room.
As he was about to leave, Ciel coughed. Sebastian turned around.

"Sebastian... Why didn't you want me to see the pictures before? They aren't anything I haven't seen."

Sebastian smirked and bowed. "Forgive me, I sometimes forget you are not a normal 13 year old boy."

And with that, sebastian left, walking down the dark hall and into his own room. He set down the candle and began to look at the pictures himself.
Each boy and girl were fairly young, their limbs were weak and frail. Not being able to fight off their attacker, they all had ejaculation dripping from their rectums and on their bodies. A pervert must've done this.
The stab wounds were clean, swift and had great precision. A psychopath maybe?
But what caught Sebastian's eyes were the burned in crest all on their thighs.
There was only one other place where Sebastian knew that crest could be from.

But to make sure he was correct, they would need to make a small visit.

To the Trancy Manor.

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