First Client

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I entered the office building for my first day at my own firm. The balloons lined the doorway, and the smell of freshly painted walls filled my nostrils. At 8 a.m., a cheery Amanda entered through the doorway clutching two coffees and a comforting smile.

"Anyone booked in yet?" She smiled.
"Not yet, but we're open, I guess." I sighed.

Getting clients had been difficult; it would be a waiting game for people to find out we existed. I did worry that this was all too much and that it was unlikely that I would ever get the client base that I required to secure a profit. Leah had been incredibly supportive, offering constant words of encouragement and taking my mind off things when I needed that. Amanda was confident and full of belief in my ability, and the mixture of support I received from the mother and daughter made everything seem worthwhile. Amanda left shortly after, wishing me good luck. I think she was worried that I would think she was being overbearing, but to be honest, I liked having her around.

I stared at the blank screen in front of me, my mind in overdrive, wondering how I could get new clients. A gentle knock at the door broke me from thoughts, a smiling Paula proudly entering the room. Paula had taken a risk coming here; she gave her notice to Kyle on the day I resigned, telling him that it was me that made the firm enjoyable to work for. Despite Leah and I getting back together, Paula and I hadn't grown apart, if anything we had become even closer. She didn't know it, but she was my only real friend in London. As soon as I heard that she had resigned, I promised to try to take her with me wherever I ended up, so here we were.

"Your 9.30 is here." She smiled.
"Huh? Someone booked in?"
"They did. Our very first client." Paula said excitedly.
"Send them through!"

I had one final look around the office, making sure it was exactly what it should be, before the door opened gently.

"Le? What's wrong?" I panicked.
"I need legal advice, please." Leah smirked.
"Go on. Take a seat."

Although I outwardly rolled my eyes, internally I was smiling. Leah had promised that if I didn't get any clients, she would be my first, a promise she had kept.

"Basically, if I want to take my girlfriend on a date tonight, but I know she'll want to stay home to watch some Gaelic football on TV. What are my rights?" Leah made herself comfortable in the chair opposite me as she spoke.
"That depends on the factors surrounding it."
"Where is the date?"
"Her favourite restaurant."
"How many courses?"
"All three."
"You could have the right to force her to record the Gaelic."
"What legal protocols do I have to follow to make it happen?" Leah smirked, her eyes fixated on mine.
"Tell her you love her, and then she legally has to agree to your terms."

Leah's smirk turned into a loving smile; she held her hand out to me across the desk and gently stroked her thumb across mine.

"I love you, Sophie. I love you."
"What time is dinner then?" I whispered.
"7pm. Don't be late." She grinned as she kissed my hand and headed for the door.

"I love you."

Leah smiled back at me before leaving me a melting mess in the chair. What she didn't know was that she didn't need to tell me not to be late; I had already planned this evening, and the ring that I would use was firmly buried in the pocket of my suit jacket. The only thing that had changed was that Leah now thought this was her idea.

The rest of the day was slow, but we did manage to secure two clients. A businessman that needed assistance with contracts, and a young man that needed representation after a car accident. It wasn't much, but it was something. I texted Amanda to let her know before I left that her excitement wasn't actually directed at the clients but at the question I had requested permission to ask her daughter tonight.

Two clients—it's a start! First day completed x

Brilliant, I told you! Are you nervous?

Bricking it!

I think you'll settle quickly... She loves you.

Thank you. I love her. A lot.

I know xx

— — — —

Watching Leah smile and laugh across the table gave me all the strength I needed to know I had made the right decision. As we neared the end of our dessert, I suggested we take a walk through the park that we had spent many a lazy Sunday strolling through. Leah seemed to jump at the idea; I had expected she might question a walk through the park at night.

As we paid the bill and began our walk hand in hand through the streets and towards the park, we discussed my first day at work. By the time I had told Leah about my second client, we were standing in the spot where Leah and I had taken our first picture together, one that was just for us, before other people knew about us. Our conversation moved onto that day as Leah stopped to pull me into a tight hug. I could feel her body trembling slightly, and I worried that she was afraid of us being here so late. I knew I needed to get a move on, but my nerves were now freely flowing through every part of my body.

"Le?" I whispered into her chest as I felt her place a kiss on my head.
"Yes, Soph?"
"I have a surprise for you, but you have to shut your eyes." I giggled, a nervous giggle that I had tried hard not to vocalise.
"Why are we the same person?"
"What do you mean?"
"I was just about to say that to you." Leah laughed.
"I said it first!" I huffed.
"I think you'll like this one, Soph." Leah backed herself into going first.
"Same time?"
"Okay deal." Leah laughed.

I reached up to give her one last kiss, both of our hands finding the opposite side of each other's faces. The feeling of the two of us gently smiling into the kiss as we lingered was filling my stomach with butterflies.

"Okay, close your eyes. No peeking." Leah said firmly but affectionately.
"You can't peek either." I puffed.
"Are yours closed?" Leah felt for my eyes.
"Yes. Are yours? Promise?" I asked.
"Promise. Okay, on 3?"
"On 3."

I silently knelt down on my knee, opening the small ring box, and taking a deep breath.

"3,2,1. Open" We both said together.

As I opened my eyes, I was immediately greeted by Leah facing me in the exact same pose. She too had a small ring box in her hands, her eyes filling with tears and a gentle laugh forming as she realised we were more similar than we had even realised.

"Soph?" Leah's voice broke.
"Le - I need you forever." I cried.
"I had a big speech prepared, but I can't remember any of it now. I just love you, Sophie. I just really fucking love you."
"I just really fucking love you too, Le. Will you marry me?"
"If you'll marry me?" Leah smiled through the tears that streamed down her cheeks.
"Of course I will." I pulled Leah to her feet alongside me, finding her lips again, and wrapped my arms tightly around her waist.

Leah and I placed the rings on one another's fingers, both laughing at our ability to even plan this on the same day. As we intertwined our fingers again to continue our stroll home, I had a sudden realisation.

"Le, did you tell your mum?" I asked.
"Course, she was so excited." She smiled.
"I told her too." I laughed.
"She is so sneaky." Leah shook her head playfully.

Amanda's I think you'll settle quickly comment made sense. She knew that Leah and I were both planning the same thing tonight; she knew that we were both ready.

Before long, we returned to our home, the home that we had made into our own little safe place. It was home in terms of the place we slept, but tonight showed that Leah and I both felt that home was wherever we had each other.

This was a feeling that nothing could ever compare to.

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