The Interview

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After what felt like 20 minutes, my phone rang, letting me know I was required to be back at the station. I turned to face Leah, placing my hand under my cheek, watching as her chest rhythmically moved up and down with every breath she took. I placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder before taking myself to the shower, trying to shake off the incredible tiredness I was feeling.

Once dried, I made my way back into the room, thankful that Leah had brought me a fresh suit so I wouldn't look completely unprepared in yesterday's clothes. To my surprise, Leah was sitting upright in the bed with her phone in her hand and short bursts of videos playing as she scrolled. My arrival in the room prompted her to lock her phone and place it beside her, watching me intently as I dropped my towel.

"Now that's what I call a good start to the morning." She chuckled as I rolled my eyes.
"I don't remember a time when I have ever been so tired in my life." I said as I pulled my trousers on.
"Do you think you'll be home today?"
"I hope so." I sighed, struggling to put my arm into my shirt.
"Come here, Soph." Leah said tenderly as she stepped out of bed.

I let out a yawn, walking towards Leah, who used the opportunity to hold me for a few seconds before pulling my shirt on. She found the buttons with her left hand, placing them on the other side with her right, planting single kisses on my lips with every button.

"That is true love." I chuckled.
"What is?"
"Putting my clothes on."
"It's the one and only time I will ever, ever do the opposite of taking them off."
"I do really appreciate all of this, Le. You know that, don't you?"
"Of course I do; I'm really glad I didn't have to spend last night away from you."
"Me too."

— — — —

"Can I consult with my client, please?"
"Five minutes. Interview suspended at 1.52 p.m."

A bang of the door and a quick flash of red let us know that we were now in a safe environment without surveillance.

"Leonard, how long do you think it took for you to carry out the assault?"
"I don't know." He shrugged.
"Well think." I commanded.
"Roughly six or seven hits. Probably about 5 minutes by the time it was all over."
"Right, and this was at?"
"9.15pm. I told you this."
"Yes, I'm aware; I want you to tell me again. This is what they will do when they realise it couldn't possibly have been you."

Leonard looked at me with a startled expression, clearly confused as to my point.

"9.15pm, six or seven hits taking 5 minutes, on the 20th floor of an apartment block. How long does it take to drive from that apartment block to Colton's Bar?"
"Ten minutes, give or take."
"So could you have gotten back down in the lift, out the door, across the car park, and then to Colton's Bar within 3 minutes?"
"No." He shook his head.

I didn't answer him; I just pressed the buzzer on the table to let the police know we were ready for them to come back in.

"Interview recommenced at 1.58pm. Mr. Myrtle, -" The detective began before I interrupted.
"My client would like to go over timings again."

The look in his eye told me that they knew; they knew they couldn't go over timings again because it couldn't have been Leonard. They needed a fall guy, and who better than the wealthy businessman who is known to have a temper when people owe him money? The two interviewers left the room, excusing themselves for further consultation. I wasn't at all surprised when they arrived back into the room with sheepish looks on their faces.

"Mr. Myrtle, you are free to go. We will be in touch regarding further action for the assault should it go to court."

— — — —

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