My First Favourite: Part 1

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"Auntie Sophie!" Liv grinned, jumping into my arms at the airport.
"I'm so glad to see you."
"Where's Teddy?"
"At home waiting for us."
"Okay, let's go already."

The trip home was filled with questions surrounding our plans for the weekend, whether Teddy would sleep in her room, and how much money she had been given for her trip. Nothing had changed. She was taller now, much taller than she was the last time I had actually seen her, but her mannerisms hadn't changed in the slightest. She ran from the car the second we arrived, bursting through the door at an incredible speed before abruptly stopping and tiptoeing the rest of the way.

"Hi Liv!" Leah grinned.
"Hi." Liv whispered.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah. I didn't want to wake Teddy."

That comment should've seemed weird to me, but it didn't. Teddy was in Leah's arms, very much so awake, but I suppose we thought she had likely watched something on TV about being quiet around babies and was trying to mimic it.

Once he was placed into her arms, Liv held him like he was the most prized possession she'd ever owned, talking to him like he could understand what she was saying, and every glance of love she gave to him was returned towards her. When he became fed up with being held in one position, he was placed into his walker and Liv made it her job to entertain him with a balloon that she had picked up in the airport. She was gently ruffling his hair with it and shaking it in front of his face, every single movement getting giggle after giggle from him.

"He likes that, doesn't he?" I chuckled.

I couldn't think of a time when I'd witnessed something so perfect. It was hard to decide which smile in the room was the brightest, Liv obviously finding it mesmerising that she could cause so much happiness with something as simple as a balloon. Good things don't usually last forever though, and this was no different. The balloon's material tired and as Liv swung it around it popped, loudly. She froze, Teddy immediately letting out a piercing cry at the bang.

"Oh dear, did that scare you?" I cooed, chuckling gently so Liv would know it was alright.

Teddy cried harder, and despite me knowing that this would all end in a few seconds, Liv was completely devastated. She stood in the same position, hands now clasped together tightly and her little cheeks were the reddest I'd ever witnessed.

"He's a bit dramatic, isn't he?" I chuckled.

She didn't speak, her lip quivering before her gaze dropped towards the floor and she ran from the room before I could say anything else.

"I'll go, Soph." Leah whispered.

— — — —

Leah POV

"Can I come in?"
"I didn't mean to scare him, I was trying to make him laugh." Liv sobbed between breaths.
"You were making him laugh, silly. You didn't know the balloon was going to pop."
"Is Auntie Sophie angry at me?"
"No, she could never be angry at you."
"Daddy said this would happen."
"Said what would happen, Liv?"
"That I would be a new neuton."
"A neuton?"
"I think it means annoying."
"Why did he say that?"
"Because Auntie Sophie and you are busy now."
"Not too busy for you, though."


"You know that, don't you, Liv?"


"We would never be too busy for you."
"Auntie Leah?"
"Next year can you come to my prize night?"
"Course! Were you sad that we weren't at this one?"
"Yeah. But I understand."
"What do you understand?" I probed, suspicious of what had been said to her.
"Teddy was sick."
"Prize night."
"When was your prize night, Liv?"
"I think two weeks ago. Maybe three."

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