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Bringing Leah home from the hospital felt strange; her body was weak from the exhaustion she felt after such an eventful day. I had expected that she might want to go stay with her mum for a few days, home comforts and all that, but she was adamant that she wanted me to be the one to collect her and to spend her days recovering at our home. The second we caught eyes in the hospital foyer, her smile widened.

"Is that Sophie there?" I heard the nurse accompanying her say.
"Yeah. That's her - that's Soph." Leah beamed.

I placed her bag on my back, sliding my arm around her waist to help her tired body to the car. I had managed to find a spot in the pick-up and drop-off bays after circling the hospital for almost 30 minutes. Leah pressed a kiss onto my cheek the second we were close enough, humming to herself at the feeling.

"You're in a better mood than I expected." I chuckled.
"Trying to be." She smiled.

Leah winced as I helped her into the passenger seat; the pain was clearly still not gone. I wrapped her seatbelt around her, clicking it in and pecking her lips before setting her bag into the backseat and going to my own side of the car. Before I had even sat down on the seat properly, Leah's hand was hanging in the air in front of my face. I chuckled as I held onto it.

"Is that what you wanted?"
"Yes, thanks." She smirked.

The car journey home was filled with updates surrounding what the doctors had said. Leah seemed more upbeat at the prospect of surgery now after a chat with the doctor—one that didn't end with her saying, I'm not doing that. She explained that it wasn't a fix as such, but it was something that could help her for a few years at least. Fertility was a massive part of the conversation, with Leah talking about the possibility that she may need more surgery before she tries to fall pregnant. What was apparent was that Leah was no longer scared; she was no longer worried about the prospect of spending four months alone because she knew now that she wasn't alone. She eventually tired herself out talking, leaning her head against the headrest. I watched as her eyes fluttered shut slowly, her hand that was playing with my fingers coming to a halt.

Leah didn't wake with the feeling of the car coming to a halt outside our house, meaning I had time to bring her bag in and flick the bath taps on before I went back out to wake her up, chuckling to myself at the idea that she was out cold in the car. I gently opened the door, seeing her body move slightly, but she still didn't stir.

"Le. We're home." I whispered, stroking her hair back from her face.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking around and realising where we were.

"Wow. Did I sleep the whole way?" She chuckled.
"You did. C'mon, let's get you inside." I said softly.

She held her hands out for me to pull her to her feet, draping them over my shoulders once she was standing and placing another kiss on my cheek. As we got inside, I ran to the bathroom to check on the bath, not wanting to rush Leah but knowing that it could potentially overflow, internally thanking the stars that it hadn't. Turning around, I was greeted with the sight of Leah already half undressed, clearly eager to freshen up.

"For me?" I winked.
"Don't even. You have no idea how much I wish that right now." She rolled her eyes.
"I'm only joking." I smiled.

I left Leah to have a bath, ordering a pizza for the two of us, which arrived not long after she returned. Leah couldn't keep her eyes open, prompting me to fake a yawn and tell her I needed to go to bed, not wanting her to think she had to try and stay awake. The comfort of the bed seemed to bring her back to life a little more, her head resting on my shoulder as her eyes gazed up to meet mine. I did what I usually do in moments like that, lifting my head off the pillow slightly to make our lips meet. What I hadn't realised was the gravity of what a simple action would cause, the revelations that would come, and how awful I would feel about them. The kiss was soft at first, turning slowly into something more heated. Leah brought her body up to lean over mine, her hands finding their way under my top as my breathing hitched slightly at the feeling. We were lost in the moment, albeit a moment I knew we couldn't progress from tonight. Leah had other ideas, though. She began removing my top, which didn't always mean sex; sometimes she just liked the feeling of our skin touching, but this was obviously something more. Did I want it? Of course I did. Did Leah? Kind of. She wanted to please me, to make this less boring for me. I wasn't sure of the reason; what I was sure of was that Leah couldn't possibly have felt like doing this tonight. I fought with my own desires as her hand travelled down my body, finally managing to avoid temptation before her hand reached the waistband of my bottoms.

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