Chapter Twenty-Three - New Beginnings

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"Lil, can you hear me?" I asked as I leaned over her. She looked over at me, almost confused as to where she was, and then she started to piece things together and remember. I could tell her heart sank down, and she placed her hand on her stomach, then looked back up at me. That was the most painful thing I had to endure through all of this, and it felt like it moved in slow motion. She stared forward for a few moments, and we sat in silence. She wasn't sure how to feel about any of it.

"Babe, can you please say something, anything to crush this silence?" I begged. She took a deep breath.

"Is he dead?" She asked. I nodded my head, and she looked down as a single tear fell and crashed down on the blanket. However, I knew that tear meant more. In that single drop you could see rage, regret, hurt, a need and want for vengeance that she could never have. You could also see a small glint of relief, relief from the man that caused her so much pain and distress for so long. Her grip on my hand was tight and solid.

"Ah, Mrs. Cerulli, you're awake finally. How are you feeling?" The doctor startled me when he walked in, causing me to jump in my seat. Lilith thought for a minute about how to answer that exactly.

"Well, I feel like I've been pushed down some stairs and stabbed in the stomach, but other than that I'm great." Her sarcasm at a moment like this always seemed to amaze me, but I knew it was a coping mechanism she had picked up after many years of emotional trauma.

"You would not be wrong in feeling that way. This time you don't have any shattered ribs or collapsed lungs, though! That's a bonus!" She fist bumped the doctor, and something about that made me want to snap. So I did.

"Are you kidding me? My wife just got stabbed and our baby is dead and you think that's okay?" I exclaimed as I stood up. Lilith put her hand out towards me, telling me to stop and sit down.

"Chris, calm down. It's okay." She said quietly. I shook my head.

"No, Lil, it's not fucking okay. None of this is okay. I almost lost you for a second god damn time, how are you okay with this!" My voice was getting shakier, and my side was starting to hurt, so after a few moments of standing to make my point I decided to sit back down. The doctor then pulled out a small business card from his coat pocket and held it out for me.

"I think you and Lilith could probably use this. She specializes in marriage counseling, she is non-religious, we see great results in patients that have suffered trauma like you two have." I studied the card, knowing he had every good intention, and every right to refer me to a counselor. As I thought about it, he gave Lilith the run down of everything, and told her to heed his warnings on strenuous activities such as going on decomp removals when she shouldn't. They also decided to keep her for a couple more nights to make sure she was stable enough for me to take her home and begin caring for her myself. I stayed right by her side, terrified that the moment I turn my back something else would happen to her.

"Lil, have you thought about what to do with the funeral home?" I finally decided to ask. She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, signaling she was at a loss of what to do with the business. I could tell her heart was still in the funeral business, but I feared it would be the death of her, literally and figuratively.

"I'm thinking it's time to change the name of it. Separate myself completely from the past. Of course, I can't fully do that. Now I have to deal with all of this on a legal end, find out who was hired so I can report the right person as deceased, and fingers crossed home boy has a family that doesn't care about him. I got lucky that we just did burial." She took a deep breath as she thought about the whole mess of things she would have to deal with when she gets back in the office.

"Is it really a good idea for you to go back to the office right when you get discharged?" I asked, concerned for her well being and mental state. She let out a small laugh and squeezed my hand.

"Chris, I have to. I have to return to normal life at some point, and hopefully this time it won't be interrupted by some bullshit. So, first thing I'm going to do is get everything drawn up to change the name of the funeral home and I'm putting you on as co-owner." My eyes went wide. Was she nuts? I couldn't run a funeral home, much less own one!

"Lilith, I don't have a license for any of that." I stated as I stared at her like she was insane. She lightly slapped my thigh as she laughed.

"You're funny, you don't have to have a license in the funeral industry to own a funeral home. Besides, my name comes first in case I decide I hate you or something." This was going to rock the world of all the rock magazines and stations for sure. I could see it now: "Chris Motionless Opens Cerulli Family Funeral Homes With New Wife". I actually liked the sound of that.
The next few days were filled with paperwork. Sign this, initial here, blood sacrifice here. Okay, maybe the blood sacrifice was a little exaggerated, but I swear they asked for everything EXCEPT that. All of that, just to add me as a secondary owner, and to put our last name on there. I liked that, our last name. I shared my last name with someone who wasn't a blood relative finally, and she's got beauty like a goddess, and the personality of someone who experienced struggle and made it. She was humble, quiet, reserved. She was mine.
As we unveiled the new sign we posed for the local newspaper to take pictures, and did a few interviews with the news stations. Of course, she did most of the talking. I just stood next to her in my suit, smiling and admiring her as she spoke about her passion for caring for families at their time of need.

"I can fully say that I am in this for the long haul. We have built such a wonderful team that cares so deeply for every family that comes through that door." Lilith expressed as she put her hands over her heart.

"Lilith, you went into this business with late husband initially. How did you come about the decision to get Chris involved?" Lilith's face went pale white, paler than one of the deceased's on the table in the back.

"Um, I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared for that," Lilith stuttered, "but I guess you could say it came about when I decided I can't live in the past anymore. What's done is done, and at some point I have to pick myself back up. Luckily, I had Chris there with me to help. I've known him since high school, so he was a familiar face who I know cared immensely about me, and I know he cares for the business in some degree." She came up with it on the fly, not missing a beat, but I knew she was ready to end that interview after that, so I stepped in front of her.

"Hey, sorry to cut everything short, but Lilith has a family that she has to get ready to meet with. We really appreciate everyone coming out and all of the media attention." I thanked everyone and shook hands as Lilith walked back in, head down, hood on, avoiding eye contact with anyone and everyone. I pushed through reporters to get to her as fast as I could, and locked the front door behind me. I found her in one of the arrangement rooms, squatting down, having a complete breakdown.

"How long do I have to answer questions about that fucker? I feel like even in death he is still there, torturing me and taunting me." She choked out through tears. I got down with her and wiper her makeup years from her face with my thumbs.

"Don't let that fucker steal your crown. I've given you a new one, and I promise to always straighten it when it's crooked." I whispered to her. She leaned against my chest as we both slid back against the wall, our legs giving out from squatting down.

"I'm too damn old to squat like that now." She joked, laughing through her tears. I smiled and brushed her hair back.

"There it is, that's the smile I wanted to see." She looked up at me, and shook her head.

"Chris, I am such a mess. Why do you insist on being with me?" She questioned as she threw her hands up. I pulled her onto my lap on the ground, wiping away more tears.

"Because you're my mess, and I love it."

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